Punishment 🍆

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This chapter is inspired by one of  EmoBoiWithStyle's Prichael Oneshot chapters.

1989 after the Awards

Prince: Lovesexy era
Michael: Bad era

Michael's POV:

"prince I don't understand, why are you so upset?" I ask confused.

"What do you mean you don't understand?, You and that girl Tatiana were rubbing each other's thighs the entire Award show".

I could tell prince was enraged. I begin to feel a sign of guilt realizing what happened.

"p-prince I'm sorry, we're just friends" I said trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"Just friends?, Friends don't touch on each other's legs like that mike, didn't I tell you to not let people touch you in sexual ways besides me?". Before I could get out another word, prince picked me up and carried me to our bedroom and tossed me onto the bed.

"Take off your clothes now" he ordered. I did as I was told and began to take everything off, starting with my shoes and socks. About a minute later I was left in nothing but my underwear. "Now, you're probably wondering why I told you to take your clothes off right"? He asked.  I nod.

"Well, since you decided to try and make me jealous at the award show tonight, I'm gonna punish you. You're gonna do exactly as I say no if ands or buts understand?".

I stood there and nodded without saying a word. "Good, the first thing I want you to do is take off your cute little underwear and get on the bed".  I obeyed and took off my underwear before getting onto the bed. I sat and watched as prince made his way to a drawer on his side of the bed and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

Now, I'm gonna cuff both of your hands together ok?" He said calmly. Once again I nod without saying anything.

Prince's POV:

I gently cuff Michael's hands to the bed making sure he was laying on his back. I then make my way back to the drawer and pull out a vibrator. As I make my may back over to Michael his eyes go wide once he sees the vibrator.

"d-daddy please not the vibrator, I can't take it"  he wines.

"You don't have a choice right now" I reply.

I gently go in-between Michael's legs and hold up the vibrator.

"You've been a bad boy Michael, and you need to be taught a lesson". I then immediately slide the vibrator into Michael's tight ass after turning it on.

"a-ahhhhhh" Michael moaned. I left the vibrator inside of him for a good 10 seconds before pulling it back out.

"Listen to me, and listen to me good, Do not and I repeat DO NOT go near that girl again, cause clearly she's trying to seduce you and I'm not gonna let my boyfriend fall into her trap understood?".

"y-yes daddy" he moans softly.

"Good, but don't think ur getting off easy, I'ma keep this vibrator in your ass till I'm ready to take it out". And with that I walk out of the room leaving him there cuffed up with a vibrator in his ass. Bout 5 minutes later I go back to the room and was immediately hit with:

"d-daddy p-please, please take it out I can't t-take it, I promise to never do it again, I'll be a g-good boy just please take it out"  he begged.

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