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Prince: Diamonds and Pearls era
Michael: Dangerous era

Michael's POV:

For the 10th time tonight, I've had to run to the bathroom and throw up and I have no idea why. I kept assuming I have a fever but this feels much worse. Sometimes I would even have weird cravings, like a peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich, or some french fries dipped in milk. what's worse is that sometimes I would lash out on my husband prince for stuff he didn't even do. One second I'm angry at him, the next second I'm crying my eyes out apologizing to him.

I honestly don't know what's happening to me. Prince suggested that we go to a hospital to figure out what's wrong, but I would always say I'm fine just so we wouldn't have to go. I was always afraid of hospitals even as a kid.

A week later and the same things have been happening, I kept having to go to the bathroom to throw up, having disgusting food cravings, having mood swings. For a second I begin to suggest that I'm probably........ pregnant, but that's not possible right? I mean I'm a biological man, there's no way I can be pregnant.

I don't think I have a choice tho, I might just have to take a pregnancy test...... just to make sure.

5 Minutes later......

So I took the test and I'm starting to panic, the test came up positive. HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? HOW WOULD THIS EVEN WORK?

As I continue to panic, prince knocks on bathroom door.

"Mikey, are you ok? You've been in there for like 10 minutes now" he asked .

Uh.. p-prince, can you come in here please?".

Without hesitation prince opened the door seeing me with a pregnancy test in my hand while crying.

"Michael what's.....what's this?" He asked confused

"Prince, I-I'm pregnant" I blurt out

"What? I don't understand".

I said Im pregnant, I'm not sure how but look".  I hand him the pregnancy test still struggling to believe what is happening. He stands there and looks at the test for a good 30 seconds before saying:

"Are you Sure this isn't fake? This is real right?" he asked

I slowly nod my head, still panicking at the results. Prince didn't hesitate to jump for joy, he began to do this for quite some time before he randomly stopped and frowned.

"Wait....ur a man, you can't get pregnant".

"I know, but the test came back positive, I mean it's possible it could be a trick".

"How about you call your mom, cause I have a clue on what's going on" prince said.

"What do you mean? Why?" I asked confused.

"Just do it, trust me".

I give in to prince word and dial my mother's phone number on our house phone, the phone rings a total of 3 times before my mother finally picked up.

"Michael is that you?"

"Yes mother, it's me".

"How are you Michael? I haven't heard from you in months" she said

"I'm fine mother, I actually have something I wanna ask you".

"What is it"? She asked sounding a bit worried

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