Bad Boy

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Prince: Diamond's and Pearls era
Michael: Dangerous era

3rd person POV:

"P-prince" Michael moaned as he stuck the huge dildo into his ass.

Prince was away to rehearse for his upcoming Diamonds and Pearls Tour and obviously, Michael got horny and impatient. Before prince left, Michael snuck the dildo from out of prince's drawer and into his own drawer. The reason for this was that prince tends to put a lock on his drawer with all their sex toys inside of it whenever he goes away for a while. He does this so Michael can't use them while he's gone because he hates when Michael uses them when he isn't around.

Michael knew he'd be in trouble if prince found out but he had no worries, he assumed prince would be gone for another week. But boy was he in for a surprise.

As Michael continued to shove the dildo in and out of himself, he heard the front door close. As Michael jumped up, he quickly got up from the bed and walked into the hallway.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He yelled.

No answer. He continued to walk down the hall until he reached the stairs. He stopped, thinking wether or not to walk down the stairs or just go back to the room. As he turned around to go back to the living room, he heard another noise. This time, the noise was louder which made Michael jump.

"Whoever is in here, get out or I'm calling my bodyguards".

Just as Michael was about to walk downstairs, he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Without hesitation, he turned around and threw a punch. Immediately after, he heard a groan that sounded very familiar.

"Prince?" Michael asked.

"Yes. It's me, damn that was a hard punch" prince said holding his face.

"Oh snap, I'm so sorry princey, I was scared".

"It's fine Mikey. I must admit, you have a powerful punch" prince giggled.

"Thank you bab- wait." Michael stopped.

"What?" Prince asked.

"What are you doing back home so early? You weren't supposed to be home for another week".

"I'll explain in the bedroom, c'mon" prince said as he and Michael went back to the bedroom.

"Okay, the reason I'm home early is because I finished rehearsals" prince smiled.

"Really? Didn't you just leave a few weeks ago?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. My rehearsals don't last very long. I like to speed them up just so I can get back home to you." Prince said, kissing Michael on the lips.

"I'm so happy to hear that, I've been lonely without you prince".

"I can tell" prince said pointing to the bed that showed the dildo laying right on it.

"Oh. Um- I can e-explain" Michael panicked.

"I see you snuck your dildo I specifically told you not to use while I'm not around" prince said with a serious look.

"I'm sorry daddy, I got lonely and impatient. I really wanted some cock but you weren't here. Please forgive me" Michael begged.

"Oh I forgive you alright. Get on the bed and take those pajama pants off. Now. You've been a bad boy Mikey. We're gonna finish what you started." Prince said .

Michael immediately knew what prince meant and did as he was told. He got on the bed and took off his pants before getting on all fours.

"You know, I had a long drive here. I deserve a reward" prince said, taking off his clothes while smacking Michael's ass.

The end.
Yes I know, I'm such a tease for ending it that 🌝

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