"Property of Prince"

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Prince: Controversy era
Michael: Off The Wall era

3rd person POV:

Prince and Michael entered their apartment tired from a week of recording songs. Prince took his jacket off and set it on the couch before going to the kitchen.

Michael went to the bedroom to get something as prince called out to him.

"Remember, I'm having friends over for dinner tonight" prince reminded him.

Michael entered the room with a leather collar around his neck, standing right behind prince who was looking in the fridge.


Prince turned around

"What is it mike-" he stopped as he sees Michael wearing the collar that says "Property of Prince".

"Oh. Sorry Michael, but we can't do it till after my friends leave." Prince said.

"I just wanna wear it till they get here, please?" Michael whined.

Prince took a second to think about it.

"Fine, but as soon as the doorbell rings it comes off understand"?

Michael nods and kisses prince on the lips.

"I'll go clean the living room and set the table" Michael said as he left the kitchen.

Michael began to clean the living room which there wasn't much to do. The only thing he needed to do was dust off the couch and place the books back onto the shelf.

Immediately after, he started to set the dinner table. After he was done with setting up the plates and silverware, he sat up on the counter where prince was writing a new song.

He began to rub on princes shoulders and back but was quickly interrupted by prince.

Sorry Mike, but I can't have you in the way right now, how bout you watch tv till they get here?" Prince asked.

"Why? Whoeven are they anyway?" Michael asked.

"They're just friends I went to high school with. We haven't seen each other since graduation, we deserve to spend some time together Michael".

"Can't we just cancel? I need you prince"

"No, they're already on their way, you're just gonna have to be patient" Prince said in a serious tone.

"But-but prince, we haven't done it in days" Michael whines.

"No means no. Go on now, I'll help you out after dinner."

Michael pouted, he hopped off the counter, almost walking Away but instead but tried to come up with one more excuse.


"Now" prince screamed.

Michael sighed and walked back to the living room where he turned on the tv, elbow rested on the arm of the sofa, hand against his face while the other clicked on the remote through endless channels that all seemed to bore him. Eventually he found a music channel where they just so happened to play his hit song
"Don't Stop Till You Get Enough".

Every once in a while, Michael kept looking over at Prince. He wanted princes attention, and he hates that he has to wait for it. He just wanted prince to fuck him already. He didn't care about eating or meeting up with people. A night alone with prince is all he craved. Luckily the doorbell rang so Michael can get this all over with.

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