Chapter 4

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"Heee~ That's indeed scary, y/n-chan.. Are you alright?" you nodded your head as you sighed "Thank you for coming checking on me, senpai. I'm sorry for calling you like this..". She shook her head as she gave you a reassuring smile "It's fine It's fine~ I don't mind. I'm glad you are calling actually. Gosh! Man nowadays really sick in the head! Well, you already reported him to the police. It should be alright now. Ah here. You better carry this around, y/n-chan. This brand is good. Don't worry, I got spare!". Handed you the pepper spray, you put it inside your bag. "Thank you. Oh how is it? Senpai, are you sure you could pay him back? I meant that is a lot of money.. Will you be alright?". She sighed as you could see how stressful it is for her must be "I know right.. God.. I never knew a bowl could cost that much.. Ah don't worry about me. It's just basically I'm being his maid more than his girlfriend. Beside..It's not..that bad". You could see your senior cheeks blushed lightly "Oooh~ What is this~ You like him, senpai? Kyaaaa~ This sounds like manga romance~ Hey hey senpai, what if he did this because you know~ He.Love.You~". You could see her face turned bright red as she was just trying to deny everything. Time passed as it indeed made you feel better after talking with someone. Parting your ways with her, you sighed a little. Somehow you did feel bad made him get arrested. Shook your head, you convince yourself that's the right thing to do "Mhm! I did nothing wrong! It's his fault for being creepy!". "Who are you calling creepy?" your eyes widened when you heard his voice right beside your ear. You quickly grab the pepper spray that you got from your senior before and reflexes sprayed it to his face. You could hear him scream in agony as you ran as fast as you could 'OMG OMG OMG OMG. Isn't he supposed to be in jail or something?!'.

-Sanzu's POV-

"You better not mess this one up, sanzu." Rin glares at Sanzu who is just grinning, high on drugs. His eyes then saw her parted ways with her friend "Rin. Isn't that Koko's girl? What is she doing with my girlfriend?". Rin eyes following his "Ah yea. The bowl's girl. Wait what? Your girlfriend?????". He looked at Sanzu surprised and confused "Since when??". "Since today." He glanced at Rin "Wait here. Imma go say hello~". Making his way to her, he heard how she seemed to be talking to herself 'Hm? Is she high? Why is she talking to herself?'. "...... his fault for being creepy!". Hearing that, he wondered who she might have meant. Leaning to her, he whispered to her ear "Who are you calling creepy?". He saw how she suddenly turned her back to look at him. Smiling at her, he didn't expect the pepper spray. "FUUUUUCCCKKK????!!!! MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!! IT BURNING" he falls on his knees as he holds his face. "RIN!!! HELP!!! RIN!!! AAAAAAAAAAA IT HURTS!!!!" saw what was happening, rin quickly ran to him to laugh. "STOP LAUGHING, YOU FUCK!!! HELP ME!!" he lay down on the ground as he was still writhing in pain. "Hahahahahahaahaha wai- Hahahahaha this is soooo fucking funny. Wait lemme just hahahahaha" pulling out his phone, he recorded Sanzu writhing in pain before actually helping him after he laughed some more.

Back to their base after doing the errand, he could feel people keep glancing at him. "What happened to your face? Is the job that rough today? Or is it the side effects of your new drugs?" Ran looked at Sanzu's red face and his swollen eyes. While Rin started to laugh again, it took awhile for him to properly tell Ran what was happening. He could hear both brothers start laughing. Those loud laughs of course made the other executives that passed by stop and ask. It only took a few minutes until the news about his embarrassing incident spread all over the building. "What happened to your face?" Mikey looked at Sanzu, and it seems he hadn't heard about what happened. "It's nothing. Just a little accident. About the errand..." he could still feel the sting in his eyes, trying to keep what little pride he still have. 'The next time I saw her.. I Will make her pay for this shit. That damn cow'.

-End of Sanzu's POV-

It's been a week since that day and you're relieved that you haven't seen him around you. Since that day, you keep carrying pepper spray every time you step out from your apartment. You decided to take a walk since it's quite sunny. Little did you know the weather changed out of blue and it started to rain. You sighed as you stood under the big tree "They said it will be sunny today.. Gosh.. I should have stayed inside..". An hour passed and it seemed like the rain was just getting heavier "Ugh.. Should I just try to run...", you mumbled as you are pretty sure the rains won't stop anytime soon. You are already a little wet anyway, just when you were about to run under the rain, you saw him pass by with a pink umbrella "Oh god...". You mumbled under your breath as you saw him walking towards you. You already reached inside your bag as he stopped a few steps away from "Wait wait wait. Hold up! That shit is crazy hurts. I come with peace". Heard his words, you back away as you glare at him "What is it you want? I will scream if you try anything funny". "Can't even be funny? Too bad~" he chuckles but seeing how you are about to reach inside of your bag, he sighed "Alright I get it. Jesus fucking Christ.. I'm here because I want to help. Come on, I will share the umbrella". "What made you think I would agree to that?" There is a brief silence as it just occurs to him, of course you won't just say yes to the person you are wary of. The way you act and respond is really what normal people would do. "You sure? It's getting dark~" He smirked as you flinched and heard that "With the way you look...". You could feel his eyes stare at your body, your dress indeed wet slightly and made it stick to your body. It somehow looked a little transparent. Realising him staring, you tried to cover yourself with your bag and your arms "Well if you want to wait until the rain stops. I'll leave then. Good luck~". Your eyes widened as you saw him already turned his back and took a few steps. "W-wait!!!" you saw him stopped at his tracks as you bit your lip. You know the rain won't stop at all and running under rain with quite the distances from your place will end up making you sick. "...I..Please help me get home..." little did you know he smirked before turning back and walked towards you with a small smile "Sure~ Let's go~ I promised I won't do anything~".

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