Chapter 11

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-Sanzu's POV-

"....What are you doing?" Rin stared at Sanzu's, who seemed busy poking each condom with a needle. "Getting her pregnant... She refused to have my child." he hums as he opens another box. "But why? Aren't you the one who said didn't want to get tied down? Pass me that" Rin sat beside him to take the blunt. Passing it to his friend, clearly he is high after smoking that roll "If it's her. It ain't so bad.. If she is pregnant, she can't say no if I asked her to marry me". "Good plan, does not work" Rin chuckled as he puffed the smoke and leaned back to relax himself "..Abortion is exist and she could still said no". His hand stopped moving as he just realised that "If come to that.. Guess I'm keeping her no matter what~ Whatever it takes~", a smirk could be seen on his face. "What a psycho.." Rin chuckled as sanzu just scoffed "Said a guy that held a woman captive at the mountain.. ". "At least she knows I love her.. Do you even love her or is it just her body, like the last girl? What happened to her by the way?" Rin glanced at Sanzu, that finally looking at him. "She said she loves the sea more than me. So I made her live there. Besides, I'm not stupid like Koko. Letting go of that flat chest girl.. What was he thinking? Where else he could find someone that can stand him and his stupid pride. If I were him, I would chop her legs so she won't leave". "Good thinking... Can't run without legs.. Ah right.. The new stuff is here. Boss wants you to check it" Heard that, he quickly let go of those condoms and rushed out of the room. New drugs meant a new kind of happiness for him and he won't miss the chances to get to be the first one who tasted it.

-End of Sanzu's POV-

You know it's not really a good idea to come find him but you just unable to wait any longer until he comes home to break this news. He always asked you to come to his workplace but you always refused since you know it is probably a place that you would hate. You know your boyfriend isn't doing some honest work and for you, the less you know the better it is. All the way to his place, you've been thinking it through and you want to keep the baby even if it means he will leave you like how your mother left you. You've been calling him but somehow he didn't pick up your call nor reply to your text. Sighing, you were thinking you just head back home but then Ran saw you. He offered to bring you inside to see your boyfriend. You are actually scared of him but you know he is close with Sanzu, in the end you followed him. That is when you saw him snorting cocaine on the girl's chest that sat on his lap. "Ah.. Shit.. Sorry, y/n. I didn't know he was working-" You looked up at Ran shocked "Working? He is working?!". Ran averted his eyes as he just realised what he just said. You gritted your teeth in anger as you glare at Sanzu that still has not yet noticed you are there. Storming your way to him, you yanked the girl's hair and made her fall on the floor. You could see his shocked and surprised expression when he saw you "Hon?". The slap was loud and hard. Hard enough to even cut the inside of his cheek. Anger and rage could be seen on your face and eyes "I hope you rot in hell, Sanzu Haruchiyo.. We are over". The only sounds that could be heard in that room were your clicking heels leaving. Ran? The time you slapped Sanzu's face, he escaped since he is the one who caused this drama. When you took your leave, you were hoping he would at least stop you or chase after you. But no, nothing. Even after you leave the building and turn your back to see, he isn't there like how all the guy in the drama would do. You laughed to yourself "Haha.. What do I expect..". You took a deep breath as you held your head high, refusing to drop a tear for him. Little did you know, he was so high in drugs that he is unable to move or think.

-Sanzu's POV-

His cheek was swollen and it sure took him hours until he could use his brain again. He sighed as he lay on the couch at his office. She has been ignoring his calls and texts. As much as he would love to rush back home, he still has work to do and he knows pestering her would only make it worse since every time she have the outburst, she listen to nothing even he thought it's a good excuse. He has sent many things to apologise but she just sent all of his men back in the end. "Why the hell you bring her in.. What the fuck, man" he sniffles as Ran just chuckles "How do I know you are playing around? She said it was something urgent. Here.. The next target. You better clean it up". He could see how Ran just tossed more documents on the table, made him groan in frustration "..Mikey's request. Hurry up, move your damn ass". Hearing that, he quickly got up from the couch and grabbed those documents "I am only messing with those girls. She is my only Babe and she doesn't need to know that. I will fucking skin you alive if you did this shit again".

It's rare for him to be unable to focus on his mission this much. Usually he would take his time and enjoy torturing people. Yet somehow this time, all he wants is to head back home. He cussed under his breath. Work took longer than he thought. He didn't even get the chance to text her that he is coming back home late, since his phone has run out of batteries. "Dammit she will be more pissed..." he grumbled as he drove as fast as he could. When he arrived, he saw none of the lights were on. 'Weird.. ' somehow he has these uneasy feelings deep inside him. He remembers that she agreed to spend the whole week at his place, since they agreed on moving in together. Besides, all his men had informed him that she was home a few hours ago. Getting out of the car, he looked around with a gun in hand. He saw how the front door is slightly opened, more like someone has broken in. He could feel his heart beating crazy. All sorts of thoughts rushed inside his head. Carefully and quietly, he went inside the house. His eyes widened when he saw what had happened and he could feel his heart sink and feel like his world was about to crumble. 

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