Chapter 9

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After all that chaos, there he stands in front of your door. He has been abusing your doorbell for two hours straight. Opening the door, you glare at him "What do you want?!". "Look it's his fault for-" Heard again he will say the same excuse, you are about to slam close the door but his hand stopped it. You blinked as you tried to push it with your body 'W-what the.. How come he stopped it'. Again you tried to push the door close "Just. Let me explain!". "No! Go away! Go with that beautiful lady!" That surprised him. To him, you sound jealous "Wait.. Are you.. Are You jealous??". Your face turned a bit red as you just back trying to close that door, harder. Seeing your reaction, his lips curled up. Easily, he pushed his way in and pulled you into his arms. "L-let go!!! W-what do you think you are doing?! I will scream!!!" you start struggling and hitting his back. Hearing him chuckles just made you more upset. "You like me~ Aren't you?" you flinched as you just hit him more and more. The fact you didn't really deny it, made his smile grow bigger. Pulling away from you a bit, you could see his cheeky grin "Be my girlfriend, y/n~ Come on~ I know you want it~". You gasped as you looked up at him in disbelief, your face turned bright red. As much as you want to get angry at him, you can't help but feel happy when heard him ask you to be his girlfriend "You already have someone.. Just go away, sanzu". "That woman isn't mine. She is with Ran and Rin.. Besides, you are way better.. You have bigger boobs.." at first, you felt your heart flutter but then you heard it all just back to your chest. Pushing him out of your house, you glare coldly at him "Leave....". You could see how shocked he was as you slammed closed your door again. "W-wait, y/n?! Y/n?! Wait, that's not what I meant!! Your boobs are not the only thing I like about you!!" he started pounding your door as you locked it "I like your thighs and ass too!! They're wonderful!!". He heard the door open as his face brightened up "Y/n-". You threw his umbrella that you've been keeping all these whole time at him "Don't ever show your face here. Leave before I call the police". Again you slammed closed the door, while again you could hear him calling out your name while pounding the door. You sniffled a little "That idiot.. What's with him.. All he cares about is just that.. Jerk..".

You've been ignoring him for almost two weeks now. You never pick up his calls or reply to his text. Every time he tried to meet you outside, you just walked past him and ignored him or made a detour. "I see so that's what happened.. Want me to ask Koko to help?" you finally called up to your senior, asking if she could stay a night at your place since you were feeling quite down and she is the only one who you could rants about what happened. "No it's okay.. I think he will stop after he gets tired.." you sighed as you were about to close the curtains of your balcony but then saw him outside, down there with a bouquet. "Y/n-chan? What's wrong?" your senior saw you froze as she then went beside you "...How long he has been there?". You sighed as you just stare at him, standing outside there with a sign that saying he is sorry, "This is the third day he did this..". Your senior fall silence for a moment and opened the window before shout at him, "Sanzu you oaf. The sign you held is upside down, idiot!". The two of you could see how he turned over the sign and now it just showing the back, "Y/n.. This guy is an idiot...". Your senior smirked as she closed the window before grab her phone "....Let's call the police, y/n-chan. There is no medicine for idiocy". The two of you could see him down there waving his hand around, and seemed excited that you saw him again. It didn't long until he got dragged away by the police as the both of you smiled coldly at him while waving your hands goodbye.

"Y/n-chan. Do you like sanzu?" your cheeks turned red as you sighed and nodded your head. "What is so good about him? He is a junkie and womanizer.. Well, that's what Koko told me. How about I set you up with someone else? You know, there is this guy.. I used go to the same middle school. He is cute.. Wait, let me show you his picture! My friend said he is looking for a girlfriend. ''You saw your senior grab her phone before showing the picture. "He is..cute.." you mumbled as your senior grinned "He is only a year older than you~ His name is Chifuyu Matsuno. If you like, I could introduce him to you". You just shook your head and smiled weakly "I think.. I will take a break from all this for now. Besides.. My dad's condition isn't that good so I won't have much time to do that anyway".

-Sanzu's POV-

"Can't you find another hobby?" Koko sighed as he clearly fed up having to bail Sanzu again. If it's not Mikey that is asking him, he would just leave this junkie rot in that jail. "Your damned girl is the one who called the police! My baby would never do that to me!" he glared at him as he just threw himself at the nearby couch. Ran chuckled as he threw a file to Sanzu "What did you do this time? If you have time doing stupid shit, you better back work your ass.". "It's all your fault! She thought I dated another woman! Argh!!! Dammit.. Rin, give me that!!" He just tossed the file aside as Rin handed him the new package. That sure made his face look brightened when he saw the colourful pills. Taking them one by one, usually he would feel his mood getting better but somehow not even his drugs could make him better this time. "I'm heading home" he mumbled as clearly he was too high to even listen to what Koko is saying.

How long has he been lying on his bed? He doesn't know. He didn't even know what kind of drugs he had taken. "....fuck...what is...going on..." he mumbled as he just staring at the ceiling. Usually taking that much drugs will surely make him feel happy or at least hyper. Now? Somehow he felt depressed. It annoyed him how she is the only thing inside his head. He knows how women love it when he compliments their best side. But her? She gets angry every time he compliments her. "Why are you so complicated...The hell you want.." he groans as he could feel his head throbbing from doing all the thinking. Sighing he reached his phone again he tried to call her yet again it just sent him to her voicemail. Frustrated, he ends up calling Rin.

Sitting there half high, Rin just listens to Sanzu's story. "Now tell me where I go wrong? She is the one that went out on a date with another guy while she had me! ME!" he said dramatically as Rin just rolled his eyes. "You made me take drugs and now you want me to think? Listen here, idiot." Ran said ''always compliment this if it comes to that kind of women" Rin poke Sanzu's chest with his index finger. He looked at Rin confused "I did compliment her tiddies". "Not that! The other one!" Rin sighed as Sanzu looked at him more confused "Her nipples?????". "No! The inside one! Fuck what's the name...". "Her ribs?? Lungs?? What?! What is it?! Remember it, Rin!! Use that brain!!" he grabbed Rin's shoulder as he shook him roughly "Agh?! Stop it!! You made me want to puke!! Just call Ran!! I can't remember!".

-End of Sanzu's POV-

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