Chapter 7

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Just when the two of you were enjoying the dinner, your phone somehow kept vibrating and every time you saw the caller id, your expression changed a bit. "What's wrong?" He notices how you keeps rejecting the call. You sighed before giving him a weak smile "It just.. My ex.. I've blocked him many times but I don't know how he keeps ending up contacting me.. I will change my phone number tomorrow.." heard that he felt like something inside him snapped but he kept his poker face "I could help you out if you want. Give me your phone..". You feel a bit skeptical but after all the talks during your dinner time, you end up trusting him more. You and your naivety. Handed your phone to him, he dialed back that number "Who is this? Ah~ I see.. Could you stop calling my girlfriend?". Your eyes widened as you tried to grab the phone from him as he put a finger over his lips, motioning to you to remain silent. "Oh sure sure. My number is..." you saw him end the call as he then handed your phone back to you "Let me handle it~ ". "What did I tell you before! Don't just go around saying that I'm your girlfriend!" you blushed as you glare lightly at him. "You don't want to? Come one~ Being with me ain't that bad~ I could make you laugh~" you just rolled your eyes and chuckled lightly "Just because you are funny, doesn't mean I will date you, Sanzu-san. If it's all that to take then I'll date any clowns around the park". "If being a clown meant I could date you. I would gladly turn myself into one. Clown it is!" hearing that, you couldn't help but laugh a little "What's with you.. God.. So lame..". "Anyway, you said you are living with your father and your brother. Are they going back soon? I mean it's getting late.. Living alone it's a bit..". You fell silent a little before smiled weakly at him "My father is in hospital.. B-but my brother is coming back soon.. So don't worry". He could see how you lied but just try to keep it to himself, "I see. Then I will wait here until your brother comes back..". You flinched when he said that as you sighed, noticing how he know you lied "..He isn't back tonight.. You should head back, Sanzu-san..". Seeing her forcing a smile, he then got up from his chair "I see. Thanks for the food~". Walking him to the front door, he stopped before walking out your house "Ah right. I put my number in your phone. Just in case you miss me~". "Pfftt~ Haha.. Don't worry, I won't" you chuckles lightly, taking his words as another lame joke. Little did you know, he meant every word he said "Please be careful on your way..". He froze a little when heard that from you. It seems it's been so long since someone said that to him, little did you know that small gesture made his heart again skipped a beat. "Sanzu-san? Are you alright?", you tilt your head a little. You saw a weak smile from him, "Yeah.. Nite, y/n-chan~".  Wave your hand to him as you watch him leaving. You sighed as your smile slowly disappeared. Somehow you have unsettled feelings inside of you after watching him leaving. Went back inside, you saw his umbrella. "Geez.. That guy.." seeing how he left behind the umbrella, you know he did it purposely "It can't be helped.. Guess I have to give it back to him later then..". Without you realised, your cheeks faintly blushed.

-Sanzu's POV-

He really is in his best moods. He did wonder if it's due to the new drugs he took or because of her. Either way, he is in a good mood and that's all that matters for him. He felt his phone vibrate as his smile turned into a smirk. 'Ah~ About time~' picking up the call, it was from her ex-boyfriend that threatened him to stay away from her "Ah yes~ Hallo~". It only took him three hours to find the man and it only took him 30 minutes to mutilate him. "Who is that? Anyway, Koko wants you to see you. You better clean this up." Rin asked as he saw Sanzu holding the bloody katana with a crazy smile on his face nearby the mutilated body, "Just a mite that is trying to touch my baby~ Yea yea. I will clean up later". "Your baby? The cow?" Rin could feel the tip of that sharp katana on his throat "Watch your mouth, Rin.. She is mine". Rolled his eyes, he just clicked his tongue before back away and took his leave "Whatever. Just clean up all this mess before you go upstairs..". Cleaning up? Of course he won't do it himself as he went to find one of his men "You. Clean that shit up".

"What's with that blood?" Koko looked at Sanzu up and down before handing him a document. "About time! Let's see what my baby has~" his face lightened up as he started to read through the document. "Your baby? Are you two a thing now- Wait let me rephrase it.. Did she even know and consent to being your girlfriend?" Koko could see him scoffed "Of course not. Soon I will get the consent. The hell.. Why are there no criminal records of her?!". "Because she ain't one. The one that has criminal records is her brother. He is reported missing but he died two days ago. The gang that you and Rin wiped was the one he joined in." Koko sighed as he handed him another document. "Dammit.. I think I chopped my in law.. Hm? This.. Man..I think she will fucking kill me if she know.." he nervously chuckled when read her father is one of the victims of the warehouse fire that again him, Ran, and Rin caused because they tried to get rid of the nosy detective. Seems her father is one of the firefighters that tried to put the fire down and ended up injured because trying to save others. "Haaa~ Well too bad, things happened. She will understand.." Koko scoffed, "Will she? If I were her, I would skin you alive..". "Thank god you aren't!", sanzu scoffed back at him.

-End of Sanzu's POV-

After that dinner, you two start texting each other and sometimes he would call you randomly. It's been like this for two weeks and you do seem warmed up to him. You did start to share your side of stories about why your father is hospitalized which he actually already knows but keeping it to himself. Seems you are losing track of times at the public library as you end up back home. On your way, somehow you feel like someone is following you. You hurriedly took your phone out and called him up. [Y/n-chan?] hearing his voice sure calms you down a little "A-are you busy? Could you please talk to me..". [What's wrong? Are you okay?] you bite your lip as you walk faster "I-i think I'm being followed. S-sanzu.. I'm scared..". [Keep talking with me. Go to a crowded place or find a store. Wait there for me. Do not hang up the call. Which street are you?] your eyes looked around in panic "I-i'm at YYY.... I could feel he is getting closer". Somehow you could feel your tears almost fall as you panicky looking for a store [I'm heading there. Hey, talk to me. It will be okay. Did you find a store nearby?]. After walking as fast as you could, you finally found a Convenience store and hurriedly went inside "Y-yeah.. I'm at the XXX mart near the park..". [Good wait there. I will be there in 15 minutes. Hey. It's okay. You know I saw the ugly cat again today. The chonky one], you could hear how he tried to distract you by changing the topic as you start talking whatever comes to your mind with him, distracting yourself. Your eyes widened when you suddenly saw the guy already right behind you. Closing your eyes tightly and ready to scream, you heard loud crashing noises. The time you opened your eyes, you saw Sanzu in front of you. Your legs suddenly lose strength as you sit there on the floor, while looking up at him. Never you thought how relieved you were when you saw him, you then saw how the other guy was knocked out on the floor not far from you as it seems he hit the shelf pretty hard considering all the stuff that scarred around and the shelf that is not in its original position anymore. "That was close.." He looked at you as he panting a little yet managed to pulled a small smile, it seemed he was running to get to you. You could see how the sweats streaming down his face and his shirt that wet from that. "Come on, let's go.." he sighed as he offered you his hand to take. Took his hand, he pulled you up while you were still in a shocked state. When you walked out from the store, a car arrived as he led you to go inside it. The time you sit inside that car with sanzu, your tears start to fall. You just realised how scared you were and as you feel much safer, you couldn't help but end up crying. "Why are you crying.." he sighed as he patted your head. 

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