Chapter 6

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You froze as you were too shocked with what he just did. Letting go of your finger, he seems didn't realise what he just did "Do you have any band aid? It's not bleeding anymore but better wrapped it up. Hm? What's wrong?". Pulled your hand away from him, your mouth just gasping like a fish while he looked at you confused. He could see how flustered you are before you bolted to the bathroom. Leaving him there all confused and clueless. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! WHAT WAS THAT?! WHAT WAS- AAAAA' screaming inside your head, you hide in the bathroom for quite sometimes. Never ever someone did that to you in your whole lifetime. You do know saliva could help heal the wound faster but not like this. This damages your heart and your brain. "Oh my god... What is wrong with that guy..."you groaned in frustration as you could feel how your heart racing like crazy. Sighed, you still could see how red your face is in the mirror "Calm down me.. Calm down..". It took you a while until you could calm yourself down and put the band aid on your finger after clean it properly. Your face back blushes when you stare at your finger "Ah geez!!!". Finally calmed down, the time you went back to the kitchen, you saw him taking some pills "Are you alright?". "Hm? Yeah. How's your finger?" he glance to your finger as you flinched and again your cheeks faintly blushed "I-it's alright.. Thanks for the help..". Saw you blushed, he smirked when you just started back making dinner "It's Haruchiyo.. Sanzu Haruchiyo". Your hands stopped chopping for a brief seconds before back chopping the cabbage "Then Sanzu-san, please wait somewhere else.. You are in the way". "Haruchiyo. Call me that and tell me your full name.. Then I will not get in the way" He is moving closer to you as you sighed "Y/n l/n.. Wait, I thought you already knew?". "Of course I knew. I heard how everyone at the store before calling you. I just want to hear it from you directly. Now now~ You forget one thing, y/n-chan~" he leaned closer to you but then you just pointed your knife at him "Back away and stop getting in the way. Please called me l/n. We aren't close" "Uwaaaah~ How scary~" he chuckled as he quickly back away from you, of course he won't call you with your last name and you know he probably won't listen. "Hmph!" back working with the dinner, you could see he is walking away and decided to wait at the living room. "Ah Koko.." faintly, you could hear him calling someone. "....I'm at my girlfriend's place" your eyes widened and your face turned red as you ended up slamming the knife too hard while cutting the cabbage. "Y/n-chan? You okay?" You could hear him shout from the living room as you quickly went to him with a knife still in hand "I'M NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!". "Holy shit- Koko, I will call later" ending his call, he gulped "Calm down now. It's a joke, it's a joke". Heard that, somehow upset you more "A joke?!".

-Sanzu's POV-

He heard his phone ring as he saw the caller was Koko "Shit..". "Ah Koko- Whoa chill! No need to be so loud like that. What are you? My mom? Well, I finished the job. That's all matters right? Can't the report wait? I'm not heading back. I'm at my girlfriend's place" he could hear the loud noise from the kitchen "..what was that? Hold on a sec.". Pulling his phone away, he wondered what was that loud noise "Y/n-chan? You okay?". 'Is she falling or something? How clumsy-' just when he was about to get up, he saw her already quite close with him. He was about to say something, she shouted at him with a red face "I'M NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!". His eyes saw the knife as he knew he was in trouble "Holy shit- Koko, I will call later" . Putting the phone away, he tried to calm her down. 'Let's try to talk her out of it. Dammit, am I talking too loud just now?' . "Calm down now. It's a joke, it's a joke" he could see her expression turn from embarrassed into anger 'Fuck!'. "A joke?!" He gulped as he tried to rack his brain 'Alright me. Think quick. Fuck I just took that pills. What usually Ran & Rin use as excuse??? Dammit! Here goes nothing!'. "No! I meant it just because my friend wants me to do some over time! Y-yeah so I need a good excuse." there was a brief silence until he saw her lower that knife. "Please don't tell people I'm your girlfriend.. I don't want any rumours having a weirdo pervert as boyfriend" with that, she left him again. "W-what was that... Holy shit. That was hot tho.. Wait, weirdo? Did she just called me a pervert weirdo??" he mumbled but that somehow made his heart flutter? Touching his chest, he wondered if it's the drugs or something else that made his heart go faster when saw that outburst from her. Getting threatened like that by her seems waking something inside of him.

-End of Sanzu's POV-

You wondered what is wrong with you getting all worked up like that when he said such things. You sighed as you could feel the mixed feelings inside of you. Putting the fried rice and the side dishes on the dining table, you called out to him "Sanzu-san? Dinner ready!". You could see him getting up from the couch as he made his way to sit at the chair "Oh this looks good. You really know how to cook". "Of course I know. Why wouldn't I?" you sit across him as you take off the apron and just put it on the chair beside you. "Most pretty and hot girls didn't know how to. ''Hearing that, you couldn't help but end up back blushing. This man is really dangerous for the health of your heart "Well I'm neither. That's why I'm good at cooking at least". He seems trying to say something yet seems he already gobble up his food, you saw that as you sighed "Please eat first before you talk.. You will get choked-". Just when you are warning him, he ends up getting choked by the food, you hurriedly hand him a glass of water "I told you! Don't talk while chewing,..Ah geez.. Here drink this". Took the cup, you could see how he drank all that water then coughing a little "I-I thought I'm gonna die..". Seeing all that, you couldn't help but laugh.

-Sanzu's POV-

"I-I thought I'm gonna die..", still coughing a little, he wheezed slightly. Then he heard her laughs "Ppppfffttt~ Hahaha what are you.. A five year old kid? Got choked like that at this age.. I told you not to talk while chewing..". He falls silent as he watches her laughs and giggles. His heart somehow started beating faster again and again he touched his chest. 'What is going on.. Is it the drugs again? Or because I almost died from getting choked? Why?? What's going on??'. Usually he's probably gonna get upset if someone laughs at him but her? Hearing that laugh, hearing her giggled, and seeing that smile. It broke his brain. There is nothing inside of his head except her laughing face and those smiles. 'Is her face always this adorable?' for the first time, his brain and eyes not focusing on her chest.

-End of Sanzu's Face-

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