Chapter 5

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Walking with him under that umbrella, you tried not to get too close but he pulled you closer "You will get wet if you don't come closer.. ". You hesitated a bit but you did notice your left shoulder did get wet a little. Didn't have any other choices, you ended up getting closer to him. The whole way to your place is full of awkward silence. Him? It's not that he didn't want to talk with you. He is actually a loud chatter box. His eyes are busy peeking at your cleavage. Since he is taller than you, he sure get quite a good view and that sure keeps him busy the whole way to your place without you realizing it. Seems he is too busy with his own little world, he didn't realize that you had stopped and ended up bumped into you a bit "Why did you suddenly stop?". "My place is here.." you looked up at him as you saw it took a few seconds for him to understand what you were saying. You bowed your head politely at him "Thank you for the help..". Seeing you thank him like that, a smile could be seen on his face "Then you owe me". He knew you are too polite and too gullible, an easy target to be manipulated.  You quickly fix your posture as you look at him with disbelief, but again your conscience made you feel like you will be an ungrateful person if you didn't repay him for his help. You know he is really not a good person, but you can't say he is wrong either "H-how shall I repay you then?". "I don't need money.. What could you offer? I don't mind receiving anything except money. I don't need that." you shivered when you heard him say that as you tried to erase all negatives thought you had. "A dinner.. I will treat you to eat somewhere-" his face seems brightened "At your place right now~". Your eyes widened as you heard him say that. You shook your head "Nope!! No way!!". "Hmm~ Why not? Ah perhaps you hide something? Oh~ That is fishy" he smirked at you as you backed away a little. "I-it's not like that! It just..." you looked away as you bit your lip. Your ears turned red as clearly you are too embarrassed to bring him to your place and honestly you still unable to trust him that much. Noticing that, he chuckles "I swear I won't do anything weird. Only dinner, after that I will leave. Come on, we saw each other so many times for few months. I never harm you, right?". You stare at him with a doubtful face as he just gives you a small innocent smile. 'Well he did make a good point.. He is only sort of weird and creepy..' you back looked at him, he did look sort of eccentric but he didn't give any dangerous vibes every time he was around you "Just this time... If you did anything weird.. I'm calling the police". You could see he nodded his head. Sighing, you lead him to your place.

-Sanzu's POV-

"Just this time... If you did anything weird.. I'm calling the police", he could see she still hasn't trusted him fully. 'Oh? Lucky~' as much as he wanted to smirked, he tried to behave himself as he just nodded his head. Like he thought, she is really easy to manipulate. A gullible and naïve, somehow it worried him a little dep inside. He knows he should head back after the errand for Koko but it's only Koko, not really important, reporting things to that guy can wait. Following her, the first thing he noticed was there are male shoes 'She isn't living alone? Which bastard is it.. I should deal with it later.'. Lead him to the living room, his eyes looking around "You got a nice place.". "T-thanks. Please wait here. I will get you the towel.." At first, he wondered why she said that but then noticed his right shoulder is a bit wet "Ah yeah. Thanks.". Being left alone by her, he starts roaming around in her living room. There are some pictures of her but it somehow upset him when he saw there are also some other male pictures 'Let's exterminate these bastards later too'. "Sorry for the wait- AH?!" She rushed and pulled him away from all those frame pictures "D-Don't look!!!!". Seeing her flapping her arms to distract him, he raised one of his eyebrows "Why?". "I-it's embarrassing!! D-don't look!!". She tried to push him away but he barely moved and he just easily pushed her aside, he finally understood why. There is a picture from when she was still a child, clinging to a boy. Seems she just finished crying. She indeed looks adorable with that kindergarten uniform with twintail hairs. 'Cute..' he then pointed to the boy in the picture "Who is he?". You froze for a moment "..He is my big brother..". 'Ah so that's my brother in law. Let's not exterminate him.' He made a note to himself. "Hmm~ You two didn't look alike.." he then saw how she just gave him a weak smile "Here your towel. Um for dinner, is fried rice alright? I haven't done any groceries this week". Noticing the sudden changes in her expression, he understands enough it seems quite a sensitive topic for her "Anything is fine. Is this him too?". He pointed to another picture, wanting to make sure who they are "That's my father.". He saw how she became more gloomy 'Ah crap.. Almost kill my own father in law..'. "Can I use your bathroom?" she nodded her head as she pointed the way. On his way, he saw her room. 'A little detour won't hurt~' he smirked as he went inside her room instead of the bathroom. Quietly went inside, he started snooping around. 'Ohhh~ She likes cute things' what he saw? Her underwear drawers of course. That is the first place he is checking things she wears inside and outside. 'She got no porn magazines huh.. Girls sure are only interested in boring manga' he looked at her bookshelf, nothing really interested him. He even checked under her bed, nothing, not even a dust. Then he noticed something under her pillow. A diary 'There you are~'. Grab it, he opened that red diary "Hello there.... Oh~ Y/n L/n~ Let's see what little secret you have..". His face looked grim when read she was close with someone and how her ex kept bothering her. It somehow upset him how she lost her first kiss to someone else and that is not him "Who are these mites..". He mumbled as he kept looking for a name, but there was NONE. Putting the diary back where it was. He finally made his way to the bathroom. He stood there for a few minutes, he furrowed his brow "Why do I want to go to the bathroom again?".

-End of Sanzu's POV-

"Can I use your bathroom?" heard that, you nodded your head "you just go that way. The bathroom is the third door after my room.". Saw him left, you just head to the kitchen and start preparing for dinner. You sighed as you just tried to focus yourself into cooking, but it seems like your mind is somewhere else. Made you end up cutting your finger a little "Ouch?!". "What's wrong?" Heard his voice, you looked at him. Seeing your bleeding finger, he quickly grabbed your hand and dragged you to the sink "You okay?". "H-huh? Ah y-yeah.. It's just a small cut.." it surprised you how fast he moved, letting him help wash the blood away, you sure got a closer look of his face. Despite those scars, he is handsome. When you heard the water stopped, you backed away from him "T-thanks-". Seems that isn't enough to stop your finger from bleeding as the blood comes out again. Grab your hand, you could feel his lips and his tongue on your finger. Your face turned as bright as it could when watched him suck your finger a little then lick it.

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