[ Two Liars - Ran ]

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{ timeskip bonten ran }

pairing: haitani ran x reader
warnings: suggestive contents, obsessive behaviors

summary: you got a call from your ex out of nowhere after disappearing on you for months. Reluctantly, you agreed to meet up just because he owes you something and.. it's a nice night club.

A/N: i dont use paragraphs cause.. idk i dont like it

The views constantly changing on the window with the train moving at a fast speed, you looked out to the never changing sky and try to make a shape out of every cloud you see to try and distract yourself from boredom. You forgot that this isn't the stone age so you pulled out your phone instead but you also forgot you don't get messages from anyone, well not anymore so you pretend to scroll.

It had only been a couple months since he was gone but only god know how much you've missed him but you know he's bad for you. Your close contacts all warned you to stay away from him before his alluring honey turns to venom. You didn't pay mind to it, your teenage self was too busy trying to live and enjoy life and that you did, with him it was.. the high of a rollercoaster, the thrills of being chased and chasing, but good things never last.

You broke it off with him because he was simply too much, he wanted the fun of life and never the despair of failure but what is it to him, someone who never lost? He always got what he wanted. Only thing he didn't was you. You broke out of his grasp to let him know that not everything can be taken by force. If only you knew how much that broke him.

Your keys jingled as you twist the knob of your door open to your empty apartment. You try not to think about the places he's sat in, or where you both fucked .. well try not to think of him at all. You sighed as you hopped on the bed. Even the news talk about his group all the time, it's like the universe is telling you to think about him.

You try to sleep anyways, with zero thoughts of him allowed. Zero. well it's the thought that counts, you did think of him. Your eyelids were getting heavy, you were about to enter a dream but it all shattered with the ringings of your phone. You groaned as you reach around the bed for your phone and answer immediately

"miss me?"


as soon as you hear the voice through the telephone, your eyes shot open, your fingers trembled, you're not sure if it's excitement or fear or a little mix of both. Neither is good.

"You wish" you said harshly. There's no room for any sympathy or kindness for this man.

"Oh come on," he chuckled, "Don't be like that, you know you do."

"I did," you said, tone as bitter as your heart feels, "not anymore" you almost pressed the red button to end the call before he said something.

"Come to XXX club," he suddenly said, "10 sharp, dress up for me will you?" he chuckled again, that seductive chuckle that gets you to shut your eye and wish to hear more before a loud beeeeeep was heard.

What the hell does this man want? It's pissing you off with the fact that he disappeared and you even had to broke it off over a simple message you wrote and left at his office. You hoped he got the message, it has been 5 fucking months. Slowly, his things just disappeared from your home and you didn't bother to take any of your stuff from his.

Not a single word these past months and he suddenly calls you and ask you to come to one of the clubs he owns, what is his motive? Then again, a night out seems nice. It could just be you going to the club and not you going to see him.

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