Work For Me - Rindou

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Pairing: Rindou x reader

warnings: none


summary: Been working as a stripper, you gained fame in the underground world, many people sought to even get a glimpse of you at work. Highest paid in the industry, all your clients are way above mediocre, now being only be paid in private meetings. Though secretly, you're tired of it. Until one day a VIP paid you a visit.


'She really is the best at it',

'I wouldn't hesitate to hit that',

'She can't date though, that's a club policy',

people keep talking, the music's enough to fill your ears, you didn't need to hear anymore talking be it good or bad. You're the best and you know it. You earn so much for yourself, drowned in riches and occasional gifts from suitors who's interested in you. Interested in your body, to be honest.

The club you work in was by no means a normal one. By the large thick wood doors with gold plated handles, anyone can tell what it cost to have fun here. With that out of the way, working here, is risky in it's own way.

There is no being rich without being involved in illegal businesses. Guns and drugs are not an unusual find here, it's more common than unusual to find. Meeting a range of customers from the circles of politicians to criminals is quite funny.

"Anyone needs to have a little fun sometimes" you always say.

You're known to be the best dancer here, your alluring, beautiful, fragrant aura just attracts people be it men or women. The prize of the club, hiring you for any second of your service was not cheap. Not like you set the price, you would've set it higher.

Always leaving the customers wanting more time that they can't afford, you'd wink as you leave, making sure they come again when they can. Your club manager calls you a bestseller and you stand by that.

Though being drowned in riches, dirty money, you felt empty. The chase is the best part of love, if you stop running so will they. They stop being interested as soon as you show interest, so you forced yourself to never fall for any customer no matter how thick their pockets or dicks are.

You swore to never have your heart broken again, being submissive wasn't in your dictionary anymore and every one of your co workers know that. They would laugh every time someone try to woo you by sending bouquets of flowers or chocolates that you'd throw away later. The cards you never even bother to read.




Today, the whole place was in a rush, making the place look more clean as if it could be, putting up way more decorations than before. Now the place looked a little too expensive even for you. You wonder what the ruckus was all about so you stopped one of the staffs.

"what's going on?" you stopped her by her shoulder and she yelped when her movements were suddenly slowed down, looking to you and seeing you she was shocked. Well, it's not usual for you to be out of your room.

"Get to work" your manager appeared and shooed away the poor scared staff and she scurried away. "Ah, Y/N!" She opened her arms, "The face of the place!"

"thanks," you flicked your hair, "What's going on though?"

"A vip is coming!" she squealed in excitement, about the money of course.

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