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flirty haitanis 🛐 anyways

warnings: none ?
summary: walking down the hidden streets of roppongi at night after a mixer with a friend, you noticed pair of eyes staring at you, whistling and calling you names and eventually approaching you. Strangely you don't mind it either.


Roppongi, known as the lively entertainment district of late night bars and clubs. We all know there's more to the definition.

Being 17, barely of age and going to a mixer in such a district is just calling for danger. But your friends begged you to come. They wanted to meet older guys and guys from other school, lie about their age, have a one night stand, get high and drunk. Live the risky lively lives they could when still young, free of responsibilities.

"It would be fun!" your friend said excitedly.

"They're 20- 30 year old men even!" you yelled in exasperation.

"i mean.." she pursed her lips and twirled her hair in her fingers, "..experience"

"gosh you're disgusting" you laugh and pushed your friend playfully and she giggled.

"Come onnn" she groan, "get some action, you virgin. I promised I would bring a friend!"

"You're hilarious, like really." you said in full on sarcasm, "Im 17, YOU'RE 17. We don't need action. We also don't need to be pregnant by 18"

"Okay mom"  she said reflecting the same sarcasm back then gasped when she got an idea. "Okay okay don't go for the men," she stopped your walking with her hands, "Go for me."

"huh?" You asked.

"Keep me safe" she grinned, "like you said, it could be dangerous and if I end up getting wasted, take me home".

"Do I look like your butler?" you raised a butler.

"You don't want them to bring me home do you?" she said. Ah, smart girl. True, you won't let your friend just be out in roppongi all by herself with people you don't know.

"Fine." you finally agreed.

Now here you are in a 6 people meeting, three girls, three boys, sat against each other on a table of liquor and food. Everyone pretended it was juice and downed every glass, even asking for seconds. Surely this must be illegal somehow?

Of course it is, if it wasn't for the fake ids your friend got forged for you and herself. She have vast connections with illegal businesses you sometimes get worried if she'll work in such an industry later too.

She drank more than everyone else here, still awake and fresh. A heavy drinker, she is. You shake your head knowing how hungover she'll be and how loud she gets when she's finally drunk.

"I wanna go to the restroom," you excused yourself. Your friends fresh for a couple more bottles.

"Wait where are you going?" a drunk guy tried to stop you from leaving. He grinned a mischievous smile.

"To the restroom" you smiled back, not wanting to ruin the mood of the chatty room.

"Wanna go.. together?" he licked his lips and gestured his head to the door and you pulled your hand in disgust.

"The fuck, you bitch" he groaned in annoyance and pulled you to sit on his lap but you stopped your fall with your hands on either side of his head, "you know you want me too"

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