Pretend to Kiss Me - Ran

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A/N: i like random scenarios, this is just one of them :)

pairing: ran x gn!delinquent!reader
summary: Being chased was nothing unusual, this time it was so close. You had to blend in public and what better way other than grab a random stranger and force them to pretend to be intimate for your safety.


gn= gender neutral if anyones wondering~

"Fuck where did they go?"

"Find them!"

You heard as you hid behind a dark alleyway, head out to spy for danger. Messing with small gangs was no big deal, you just didn't know that they weren't.. that small and might have gotten yourself into a bigger trouble than you initially thought you would.

When the area seemed clear enough you tried to go into a public space and blend in, pulling your hood up you casually walked into one side of the street, the people chasing you not noticing.

Roaming the dark lively streets at night was not a good idea, you're gonna make sure to not start a brawl anymore. Probably. You wouldn't have done so if the leader didn't threaten you first, you were known as a solo player, never bothering to join any gang but somehow always involved with them.

You were fairly interested in some gangs like the black dragons, tokyo manji gang, you even heard a new gang, valhalla being on the rise. You just wanted to scout some other small ones before deciding if you really want to join one.

The one chasing you right now was probably a new one too, they don't work really well together, yelling and screaming orders. It's like they're all strangers to each other, though when you pointed it out they got upset in unity.

You stopped to lean on a building leading to another dark alleyway, waiting for the water to calm so you can move more freely. recognising the matching tattoos they all have on their arm of their logo.

Someone saw you.

They definitely locked eyes with you.

In the midst of the panic you grabbed a passerby that's been lounging around there, you didn't bother to look into them that much but you pulled on their arms and slung it around your waist and pulled their face close, your eyes focusing on the gang member.

"Pretend to kiss me" you said, finally eyes locking with the stranger. Oh, wow they're good looking, you thought. Their eyes was a shy shade of purple, capsuled in lazy lids matched with a lazy smile plastered on their face. For a guy, he's rocking that twin braids.

His eyes widen at first but they grew to relax over the second.

"Im being chased" you explained. His head was so close to you.

"Hm?" he turned around as if messing with you and when he finally saw the gang member, he pushed you against the wall catching you off guard.

He leaned in but he didn't kiss you, he hid your face with his and you blinked one two many times at how close his face is. You gulped, you could've sworn he could hear your heart racing. He just stared at you and you both stayed in that awkward position but the gang member didn't seem to go away but stared curiously from a distance.

"put your hands around my neck, it'll be more believable that way" he voiced. You did as he told and he just smiled at you as you did.

Ran thought you were crazy cute, and emphasised on that crazy because you grabbed him from the street and slung his hands around your waist and asked him to pretend to kiss you. It was like an invitation to entertainment for him at this point. He could see your panicked face and enjoyed it.

"I think he's going away," your focus was immediately on the gang member that's slowly nodding like 'yep just another day in roppongi', and walked away.

"Thank you, uh.."

"Haitani Ran, but you can just call me Ran" he shrugged.

"oh yea Ran, your hands," you pulled your hands away from his neck but his hands was still around your waist.

You were beyond taken aback when he tightened his grip on your waist, pulling your body against his. You could feel yourself getting nervous and a bit flustered. You were planning to throw a punch or a kick, or just an escape route.

"What do I get for helping you?" he suddenly asked.

You didn't really think about it, you just assumed it would be a random person and they'd just leave after. You didn't expect for it to be another delinquent, you assumed he was, from his hair and relaxed manner to other gangs.

"I don't know actually," you looked down to your body that's pressed against his, your stomachs fluttering with butterflies, "I didn't think about it"

"How about giving me a kiss for real?" he asked, pulling you closer. You didn't know if he was joking by his serious tone so you got a bit flustered and he saw how red you were so he laughed and let go.

"Just kidding," he said with a grin. "What got you in trouble in the first place?"

"Right, well uh, just my dumbass," you inched away, "thanks again, Ran" you took a step back.

"If you find yourself in trouble again, be sure to find me" he waved, "maybe you can give me my payment by then."

You coughed and nodded. You went home after, mind replaying the same occurrence.


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