Chapter 5

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"Can you believe the nerve she has?"

"I know. She's going to steal Jack away from us."

I sighed as I walked down the hall to my locker. Two girls were just complaining about Jack being my friend instead if their's.

"Heeeeeeyy." Jack sings as I open my locker.

"Hey." I lazily switch out my books and get ready for my next class.

"Ok that was not enthusiastic at all. What's up? And don't say nothing cause I know something is up. You know you can talk to me."

"Alright, some people are just being mean. It is nothing, this happens to me everyday. I'm fine."

Jack looks at me for a minute. "Ok let's go." He takes my arm and starts dragging me down the hall.

"What? Where are we going?"

"We're skipping class." He whispers in my ear, letting go of my arm and placing his hand on the small of my back. We walk outside and run across the street to a small playground where no one will spot us.

"Why are we skipping?" I question him.

"So we can talk. I want to know why you don't care about people bullying you."

"It just doesn't matter. I'm going to college across the country so it's not like I'm going to live with it forever. Besides, why should I even fight back? There's no point."

"You going to college across the country?"

I nod. "I'm going to the same college my mom went to."

"Oh." Jack was silent after that. Just staring at the ground. After a couple silent minutes he clears his throat. "I can help you fight back. They think I'm cool and if I'm with you then maybe they won't be mean to you."

"That's ok Jack. You don't have to do that. I'm fine, really I am. It's just nice to have you as a friend. I don't need anymore."

"Ok. Hey, there's a party Friday night and I was hoping you'll go with me. Don't worry, I won't leave your side."

"Well alright. My mom wants me to go out and have fun so she'll be ok with it. Just don't expect me to dress up."

"Alright good. I'll pick you up Friday night at 7:30."

"Sounds like a plan."

The week went by rather fast and I'm currently standing looking into my closet trying to find something to wear. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yell. My mom enters the room.

"Hey, found something yet?"


"Just try some tights and this shirt." My mom reaches into my closet and puts the clothes into my arms. "Just try them and if you don't like it, change."

"Ok." I walk into my bathroom to change. My mom gave me black tights and a red shirt with a big white heart in the center. I usually tie the shirt up a little since it's a long. I'm satisfied with the outfit and go show my mom.

"You look super cute. Hear." My mom hands me my black converse. I take them and pull them on.

"Thanks. I'm going to put my make up on." I really only mean mascara and eyeliner. I also put Chapstick on. Once I'm done I grab my phone and make sure to slip some money into my iPhone case. I head downstairs and wait for Jack. It's 7:28, he should be here any minute.

As if on cue, the doorbell rings. "Bye mom!" I shout while walking towards the door.

When I open it, Jack is standing there smiling at me. He's wearing a black shirt with blue skinny jeans, along with black vans.

"You ready to go?" he questions.

"I guess so." I fail a smile and follow Jack to his car. He opens the passenger door for me and I slip in. When we're both in the car, he starts driving to the party.

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