Chapter 3

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"We're almost done with the city part." Jack said collecting his things before he leaves.

"Yup. Just the rest of the city and the questions and we're done." I smile.

"Cool, next time we're working at my house. K?"

I look over at him. "You're kidding right?" I don't want to go to his house. I just don't know why.

"Oh come on. I came to yours first, so now you have to come to mine. It's only fair."

I groan, "Fine."

Jack smiles obviously satisfied. I shake my head and lead him downstairs.

"Hi guys." my mom says with a smile from ear to ear.

I roll my eyes. "Hello mom."

"How was everything?" she asks.

"Oh my." I say and face palm myself.

Jack laughs a little. "Everything's good. We're almost done with our project."

"That's good."

"And tomorrow I'm gonna take Janie to my place so we can finish it."

"What!?" I turn to Jack.

"Ooo, that sounds great, come pick her up at 11. Bye Jack!" my mom says ushering Jack out the door.

I just stand by the stairs with my mom hanging open. I did not agree to this.


The rest of my Saturday flew by and soon I found myself getting ready for Jack to pick me up. I put my hair into a high ponytail. I was wearing a Hockey t-shirt and black shorts with my black converse. Again, my socks don't match, one dark grey and one light blue.

The doorbell rings and my mom rushes to the door. I grab my phone and our city and head downstairs.

"Janie!" my mom calls.

"I'm coming!" I yell back. Once I reach the door, Jack takes the city. He's wearing black jeans with a red T-shirt that says Brooklyn on it.

"Bye guys!" my mom says.

"Bye mom." I say and close the door, leaving her inside.

"Hello Janie."

"Hi Jack."

Jack opens the passenger door for me and he puts the city in the backseat of his car. He quickly climbs in and starts off down the road.

Only five minutes later we arrive at his house. We climb out and Jack retrieves the city from the backseat. We head inside and a girl who looks a little younger than Jack, probably his sister, runs up to greet us.

"Hi! I'm Sara! Jack's sister. It's nice to meet you!" she says and throws her arms around me. I stand there with my arms pinned at my eyes and my eyes wide.

"Sara! Get off her!" Jack puts the city down and yanks Sara off of me.

"Sorry." Sara says and walks away.

"Sorry about her. She hasn't made a lot of friends." Jack apologizes, grabs our city, and leads me upstairs to his room.

It's a typical teenage boys room. Just not messy. He has gaming chairs in front of a tv and an xbox hooked up to it. His walls are dark blue. His bed sheet is black. The desk in the corner is brown with notebooks, papers, pencils, and a laptop on it.

"Like my room?" Jack asks me.

"Uh, yeah." I respond. Jack just smiles and turns his laptop on. I go and sit on his bed. "Okay, your bed is far more comfier than mine." I laugh a little.

"What? No way." he says coming to sit next to me on the bed.

"What are you talking about? Your bed is like a teddy bear and a cloud had a baby." I say falling onto my back. Jack's bed is really comfy.

I hear Jack chuckle a little. "You know, we still have a couple days until our project is due. We don't have to do it right away."

"What are you suggesting we do?" I ask suspiciously.

Jack smiles before he says, "Scary movie?"

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