Chapter 8

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Walking up to school Monday morning was the most awkward situation in my life. Tyler was right outside the school with a bunch of friends. Jack was going to be a little late to school since he had a doctors appointment. Even though Tyler was drunk when he kissed me, I couldn't help but think he was going to say something about it. I lowered my head and let my hair block my face as I passed him and practically ran into the school. On my locker written in black sharpie was, 'Warning, dangerous material inside.' I was confused as to why this was written and who did it, but when I opened my locker, an explosion of red and purple paint covered my body. I stood there, my mouth open in shock. Everyone around me started laughing. My eyes filled with tears and everything was blurry as I ran into the nearest girls restroom. The first thing I did was look in the mirror. My face and clothes were covered in paint. I let the tears fall. Everyone has just bullied me, never have they done something like this. Slowly but surely, I started washing my green shirt. Luckily nothing got onto my tights. But my hair was also stained with red and purple. The bell rang but I refused to leave the bathroom.

After an hour of hiding and trying to wash off the stupid paint I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I looked at it confused. Why would someone be knocking?

"Janie? Are you ok?" It was Jack.

I look at myself in the mirror. My face and hair are clean, my hair still damp. My shirt still has some red and purple on it though. I clear my throat. "Sort of." I hope he heard me. Suddenly, the door opens and Jack walk in wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans. He looks at me worried.

"Tell me what happened." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and looking at me through the mirror.

I rest my head in his chest and start explaining, "Well, first, when I walked up to school I saw Tyler, I sneaked past him and walked to my locker. On it said 'Warning, dangerous material inside'. I opened it, confused as to why that was written and then red and purple paint exploded in my face. Then I ran here and tried to clean it off. But I only got it off my face and out of my hair." By the time I finished, Jack looked beyond mad.

"And you have no idea who did this?"

"No clue. They've never done something like this to me before. They've only said mean things." My eyes fill with tears once more. I try to hold them in, but I fail and they fall down my cheeks. Jack notices and spin me around. He hugs me tightly to his chest and starts whispering in my ear.

"I'm going to find out who did this. And he better pray that I don't-"

"Please don't do anything. I'm fine. I'm just glad you're here to cheer me up." Jack doesn't say anything. Instead, he places his finger under my chin and lifts my head so I'm looking at him. He kisses me softly.

"Alright. I'm glad they didn't do anything worse." I smile at Jack.

"I think your an angel sent to help me Jack." I whisper smiling.

He chuckles, "Maybe I am. Here." Jack let's me go and takes off his sweater. He then hands it to me. "You need it more than me. Keep it."

"Thank you." I quickly pull it on. It's really big in me but I don't mind. It's cozy. "Lets go to class."

We both walk out of the bathroom with Jack's arm around my shoulder. We head to second period since first was spent in the bathroom. School better go by quickly.

Fortunately, nothing else happened to me at school. Jack and I are driving somewhere, he insisted that it's a surprise so I have no idea where we're going. I made sure to text my mom so she won't freak out.


"I'm not going I tell you where we're going."

"Why not?" I sound like a five year old.

"Just relax. We're almost there."

I sigh in defeat and lean back into the passenger seat of Jack's car. Soon enough, we pull up at a cliff.

"Are you going to kill me?" I question.

Jack laughs at me, "No, I'm not going to kill you. Come on." We both get out of his car and I follow him to the edge. We sit with our legs dangling off the edge. I lay my head on his shoulder. The cliff shows us a view of the city. It's beautiful.

"How'd you find this place?"

"I don't know. Just kind of, came upon it when I was driving. It was the night after you came to my place for the first time."

"Oh. That's nice."

We both sit in silence for a couple minutes.

"I can't wait to move with you." Jack whispers.

I smile, "I can't wait either."


When I arrive back home, I immediately decide to not tell my mom what happened. I look into the living room to see my mom and Will watching a movie; so I walk upstairs to change out of my stained shirt. I take off the shirt covered in paint but leave on the sweater Jack gave me. I also change into sweatpants. Once done changing, I walk back downstairs and into the living room.

"Hey Will, where's my mom?"

"She went to the bathroom. How was school?"

"Um, good?" Why would he care? No offense.

"Really? Cause my son goes to your school and he told me something happened today."

He has a son? "Your son?"

"Yeah. His name's Tyler. He told me that paint exploded in your face." Will smirks. "I would've loved to see that. Although I could have thought if something better but," he stands up, "I guess that'll do."

My mouth drops. How he could he act this way. Before I say anything, my mom comes back.

"Hey sweetheart." she says, kissing my head. Will acts as if nothing happened. But when my mom isn't looking, he winks at me.

"I'll be back later." I say and turn towards the door.

"Where are you going?" my mom asks. I don't answer though. I just keep walking until I reach Jack's house. I ring the bell. After a minute, a lady that looks exactly like Jack, just older, answers.

"Hi." she smiles.

"Hi," I force a smile back, "is Jack home?"

"Yes, he's up in his room. I'm Hilary, Jack's mom."

"I'm Janie, Jack's friend."

"You can just head up."

"Thank you." I enter the house and walk to Jack's room. I make sure to knock.

"Come in!" I hear Jack say. When I enter, he looks a little shocked to see me. "Janie, hi." I start walking to him. He stands up off his bed and when I reach him, I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head in his chest. His arms immediately go around my shoulders. "What's wrong?" he whispers worriedly.

"My moms boyfriend bullies me too. I didn't want to stay home while he's there. He's also Tyler's dad."

I feel Jack tense a little but he relaxes soon after.

"You can stay here tonight." Jack whispers.

"It's ok. I just wanted-"

"Please, I want you to stay just for tonight." He held me a little tighter.

I waited a minute before saying, "Ok."

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