Chapter 10-Epiloge

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"Do you have everything? my mom asks me as I pull my luggage outside where Jack is waiting in his car.

"Yes, I already triple checked." I say. Jack comes out and takes my bags from me. He carries them to the trunk while I hug my mom.

Let me catch you up. Jack and I have graduated high school and are now heading to New York for college together. We have grown closer as a couple and my mom found out about all my bullies. The bullies have stopped though. Thanks to Jack. My mom broke up with Will and started dating a new guy, Sam.

"Ready to go?" Jack asks.

"Yup." I respond. "Bye!" I yell to my mom as I get in the car.

"Bye! I love you!"

Jack drives off down the road heading towards the highway. Yup, we're driving all the way to New York.

"I can't believe we're going to college." I say.

"I can't believe I was lucky enough to find someone like you." Jack says grabbing my hand. I smile and stare out the window. I can't believe my life went from bad to perfect so fast. All because of one guy moving into my life.

"I love you Jack."

I see him smile from ear to ear.

" I love you too."



Very short epilogue, sorry for that but I feel it would drag if I ad on to it.

So here's the end! Janie and Jack are off to college and there aren't any more bullies. Yay!

I'm so happy to finally finish one of my stories and I know this story isn't very popular but I hope more people read it soon.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you check out my other stories!

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