Ignore The Bullies

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Chapter 1

not edited


"Wake up Janie! You're going to be late!"

Slowly, I rose out of my comfortable twin bed. I pushed my dark blue comforter off of me and went into my bathroom.

My light brown hair was sticking up all over. I turned on my shower and jumped in. Washing my mid back length hair.

"Good morning hunny." my mom said handing me a waffle.

"Morning. How's my outfit?" My mom doesn't know I get bullied everyday. So each morning I ask my mom how my outfit looks.

Today I wearing a tie dye shirt, tights, and black winter boots.

"You look adorable dear. Very comfortable too." I smile. I am pretty comfy.

"See you later mom." I grab my black jansport backpack and head outside. My house is two blocks from school so I just walk everyday. Not always the best option.


School. Where the bullies are. Everyday I walk straight to my class. Unless I have to get something out of my locker. I'm in 11th grade.

First period is Math. I have straight A's so I barely pay attention in class because I already know everything.

"Eww. It's Janie. Someone spray a bunch of perfume so I don't loose my sense of smell." someone calls from down the hall. Everyone laughs.

I run into my class and sit down in my seat in the back of the class. My head falls into my hands and I hold back tears.

A couple minutes into class the speaker comes on. "Mr. Henrick?"


"There's a new student starting today and his first period class is with you."

At the word him, all the girls in the class gasp.

"I'll send someone down." Mr. Henrick says. "Janie. Go ahead down to the office." All the girls groan and I stand and walk out the door.

"Hi Janie." The front office lady says as I walk in. "This is Jack. He's from Oregon."

"Hi." I smile. Jack has brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hi Janie." Jack says.

We start walking to class again.

"So, why'd your family move here?" I ask.

"I don't know. The family needed a new start. So we just loved California and decided to move here, I guess."

"Cool a new kid." one of the jocks says acknowledging Jack and me. "Word of advice. Janie here is a terrible person to be around." He laughs and walks off.

"Why would he say that?" Jack looks at me confused.

"Um." I glance around the hallway. I don't like to talk about me getting bullied. "Oh look. We're here." I open the door and we walk in. Everyone's head snaps back to look at us. All the girls eyes widen and they start to make themselves look 'hot'.

"Hello. I'm Mr.Henrick."

"I'm Jack."

I smile slightly and walk to my seat. Jack sits in the empty seat in from of me.

"I'm supposed to follow you around all day so I can get used to everythig." Jack tells me looking back.

Well, this is gonna be a long day.


"I'm home!" I yell walking into my house. Luckily, I avoided everyone on my way home.

"How was school?"

"Like any other day. Except a new kid started today."

"Boy? Girl? Boy?"

"Boy. Why'd you ask boy twice?"

"Just asking sweetheart." my mother smirks. "So what's he like?"

"I didn't pay close attention mom." I say with an eye roll.

"Oh come on. You have to have noticed something."

"Alright, uuummm. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He had to follow me to my classes so he would get used to things in each of them. But it turns out we have every class together."

"Ooooooo. Sounds like a sign to me." Since I don't exactly have a dad, my mom wants me to have fun and go out. The thing is, I don't have friends to go out with. So I usually just stay home unless my mom takes me somewhere. I mean, it's not like I would go out just to get teased and picked on, right?

"I'm starving."

"Well I'm cooking, so you'll have to wait."

I groan and walk up to my room. This has been a long day.

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