Chapter 2

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"Hey." I look up and see Jack in front of the school waving at me. I look behind me but there's no one there. "I'm waving at you." Jack says falling into step with me.

"Um. Hi."

"Did anyone ever tell you how great you are at saying hi." Jack sarcastically says. I just roll my eyes.

"No one really talks to me. I don't have any friends."

"I'm your friend, right?"

At that I stop walking. I've never, ever had a friend.

"Hey, are you alright?" Concern lingers in Jack's voice.

I look up into his eyes. "I'm fine." I say walking past him and into my first class. He comes in right free me.

"Did I say something wrong?" Jack asks concerned.

"No... It's just... complicated."

Jack opens his mouth to respond but the bell beats him to it. I turn and sit down to get school over with already.

"Alright class," Mr.Henrick starts, "today we are starting to build our math city's. I have chosen partners," everyone groans, "Hey now. As I was saying. I'll pass out the instructions after I pair you guys up." I zone out until I hear my name get called. "And Janie I'm putting you with Jack because he's still new and you have the highest grade in the class." How did I not see this coming?

"I'll get the papers we need." Jack says getting up and walking to the front of the class. I reach over into my backpack and take out a pencil. "Here we go." Jack plops the papers on my desk. He pulls a nearby desk next to mine while I look over the instructions. We have to make a 3-d model of a city with stupid math all over it, parallel lines, perpendicular, right angles, alternate interior angles, alternate exterior angles, exc. All of this is due in 1 week.

"Maybe over the weekend we could work on this at my house." I suggest.

"Yeah ok. I'll come over at 10?"



The rest of the week flew by and soon it was Saturday morning. Jack was supposed to be here in an hour. I put on a plain ocean blue t-shirt and some black tights. I also had one black sock and one blue sock on, I never match my socks.

"When is this boy gonna be here?" my mom says wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Ew. Gross mom. We're just working on a project."

"Oh come on hunny. You never have anyone over, and you never go out. This is a good change." my mom smiles at me.

I give a small smile back. "Jack is coming in an hour. Don't embarrass me." I end with a small glare.

"Yeah alright."

I shake my head at my mom and walk to the living room. I watch a couple random tv shows until I hear a knock on the door.

"I got it mom!" I yell jumping up and walking to the front door.

I unlock it and open it. Jack is wearing a plain white t-shirt and worn blue jeans.

"Hi Janie." I look up and see Jack smiling.

"Hi." I smile back and gesture for him to come in.

"Hello! I'm Emma, Janie's mom!" my insane mother butts in.

I give her an exasperated look. "Uh. We're gonna go work on our project in my room." I say and start heading upstairs.

"It was nice to meet you." I hear Jack say before he follows me to my room.
"Before I walk into your room-"

"No, I don't have any bras on the floor." I look at him.

He smirks, "Just making sure."

"Yes cause I'm gonna leave my underwear on my floor for everyone to see." I mumble sarcastically under my breathe.

"Heard that!" Jack sings jumping onto my bed. "This is the most comfortable bed I've ever laid on."

"How many beds have you laid on?" I question.

"All my guy friends. And my parents."

"Mine just happens to be the most comfortable?"

"Yup! Now for the project." he says sitting up and getting serious.

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