|2. Opened My Eyes|

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Alani pulled Su's unconscious body into his Apartment and she heaved him onto his bed. Alani then dampened Two cloths and she placed one onto his forehead while the other she used to clean his face. Over the course of Two weeks she didn't eat or sleep, she stayed awake to protect him as she sat on the floor.

"H-Hello?" A croaky males voice uttered, Alani looked up to find that Su had finally awoken. "Excellent, you are okay. You've been out cold for Two weeks straight... A Purge has begun, monsters like that woman have sprouted and innocent people are turning. You are infected, I am not yet, which means that it's not spread person-to-person." Alani yawned out as she stood upright, she kept her mask on the entire time.
Alani took Su's hand and she guided him over to the window beside his bed, they both peered out as many creepy monsters lurked about, peculiar grunts and screams could be heard in the far distance.

Su's nose begun bleeding again so Alani pressed the damp cloth in her hand onto his nose. "Everything will be okay... I'll protect you, I won't allow you to fully turn. I promise." Alani swore as she rubbed his back. He looked at her as though he'd never seen anything like her, he just nodded slightly and Alani smiled as she held out her pinkie. "Friends to the end, we never leave each other's sides." Alani chimed with a smile that could light up even the darkest dwellings. Su held out his bloody right hand and he pointed out his pinkie, they promised that day to stay together no matter what.

- - - - -

They spent Three more weeks together, they lived off the food in Su's apartment. "Is... Is there any reason you wear a mask?" Sure spoke up in the room. "Well... My face is very unappealing to look at according to the people I once held close. So I wear this thing- not that it matters, I don't care that I'm ugly, but others do." Alani laughed to hide the pain she felt reconciling in her past. There was a loud grumbling noise that rippled through the air, it was Su, he was hungry and they were out of food. "Ah- I forgot we need to eat... D'you remember seeing a box of Ramen outside your apartment like Three weeks ago?" Alani asked Su as she walked over to his desk and she pulled up her shotgun and she made sure it was loaded. Su nodded.

"Let's grab it, you need to eat... We should probably try and find other people after you eat, us being alone isn't the safest option." Alani suggested as Su stepped over to his from door, he had his broken broomstick rod in hand. Su looked back at Alani before he opened the door, she nodded and he pushed it slightly ajar.

Su's eyes widened in horror as a hand smacked against the door and a monster crept inside, it appeared to be blind as half of its head was cut clean off. Su grabbed Alani's hand and he pulled her into his chest. Alani's eyes widened, this was the first time she'd ever been cared for in her life, no one aside from her parents had ever hugged her. Su pushed Alani's masked face into his collarbone, she could hear his rapid heartbeat.

The creature staggered into Su's room and it screeched: "I can't see!?" on repeat. Alani slowly left Su's grasp and she turned around, they edged back together as Alani rested the end of her shotgun against her shoulder and looped it under her armpit, very slowly, making sure she was deadly silent, she pulled back the safety pin and she looked through the scope of the gun.

Alani fired the first bullet, it rippled through the air and shot through the creatures left shoulder, a shockwave blasted through its body and it spazemed. Alani fired the second and third bullets and they ripped through its stomach as it fell back onto Soo's bed. "Shit- I'm out of bullets!" Alani spat and she ran forward, she climbed on top of the monster. It snapped it's barred teeth at her as she began caving it's face in with the tail end of her gun. "Fucking- DIE!?" Alani screamed. Suddenly spikes shot out of the creatures arm as a radio system turned on, her entire body was covered in cuts and one of the spikes unfortunately pierced through her stomach.

Alani fled backwards as she held her bleeding stomach, she threw her broken gun out into the hallway and the creature ran out after it. Alani kicked the door shut and Su locked it. "Shit... Ouch, that hurt..." Alani yelped. "Can... Can you help me remove my shirt?" she politely asked Su and he blushed slightly, Alani begun slipping her arms out of her long sleeved shirt and Su gently lifted it up and over her head. Alani stood in her white vest crop top and her black jeans. Plastered all over her body were scars, burn marks, bruises and cuts. But the most disturbing thing was the fact that cut into her stomach was: "Ha Ha" and burnt into her right forearm was the word: "Monster!" while of the left: "Insane!"

Prominently plastered up her arms were self harm marks, and on her back she had whip marks as well as bear-like scratch marks. "Can you rip up my long sleeve shirt, I need a piece of the fabric." Alani said as she opened her metal briefcase and she removed a bottle of vodka, she bit off the cap and she screamed in pain as she poured the fluid onto her bleeding stomach. Su immediately wrapped up Alani's stomach and he tied it tightly. "Tha-Thanks... Better, much better." Alani's voice sounded weak as she rubbed her neck, it was then Su noticed the rope burns around her neck as well as the cut scar going across it. "Sorry... I'm quite scarred, all from accidents, don't worry... I'm just clumsy-" Alani was cut off by the sound of children talking outside. She rushed over and opened the window, Su accompanied her as they looked down.

"Dad!" a young girl cried.


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