|7. Healed|

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"Stay away from me... Monster!" The old man spat as Alani entered the room. "Fine by me." she sighed as she sat down next to Su, she rested her head onto his shoulder as she coughed slightly. "We should sleep." Alani whispered and he nodded his head, they both fell asleep side-by-side.

- - - - -

Alani woke up the next morning to find that Su was missing. She glanced at Choi Yoon-Jae, he looked awfully familiar but she couldn't pin point where she'd seen him. "Yoon, have you seen Su?" she asked him, not the petty old man. "Eun-Hyuk took him to do something. He said you were too hurt to help him so Su went alone." Yoon replied as he wiped his beaten face.

"Thank you for telling me..." Alani whispered as she stood upright, Ahn walked into the room with food for her. "Here... Noodles, you look malnourished, you should eat." Ahn held out some noodles on a pair of chopsticks and Alani reluctantly ate the noodles from the pot. "Can I go to the toilet? I need to pee..." Alani whispered and Ahn guided her to the toilet, Jung Jae-Heon followed her because she needed to be under surveillance.
Alani stepped into the toilet and she hovered over it, she stuck her fingers into her mouth and she threw up the food. Alani's body wasn't used to eating, she took tissue and she wiped her mouth, she then flushed the toilet and walked out.

Heon guided her back to the locked room. "I'm going to Su, he needs me-" Alani suddenly said. "Are you sure kid?" Heon asked. "Yeah... I love him afterall. I need to be there with him." Alani rushed to the staircase and she ran up it, she had her axe held tightly as she dragged her body up the many staircases. Alani cane across the gangster, he unlocked a red door with the remaining number: "Eighty" on it.

"What're you doing?" She asked him calmly. "Discovering an assholes secrets." He responded. "Ooo, can I join? Who's secrets might I ask." Alani said as she pushed away the plastic curtains inside the red toned room. "Choi Yoon-Jae." Sang-Wook replied. "Hmm... I think I've seen Yoon somewhere before. But- I don't quite know whe-" Alanis eyes widened in horror. Seven dozen polaroid pictures of young girls were plastered everywhere... To her horror, she was there, about fifty pictures of her from Five to Twelve were there, she was one of the Doctors who hurt her. Alani's eyes watered as she stumbled back. "F-Fuck... It was- It was him... He was the guy in the surgical mask." Alani whispered in a distant voice.

"Son of a bitch..." Wook uttered sharply. "That girl... She was there with me, if it's any clarity to you... I took almost all her beatings for her." Alani whispered. Her mind went through Three stages: Horror, Destrought then just plain Anger. "She was kidnapped by the man and taken to the Asylum I was at... But when I was released she was taken away somewhere by that monster of a man... I tried to look for her- but... I got taken by my psycho Uncle." Alani muttered. "You're a Detective aren't you, looking for the little girl I presume. Well, she was only a few years Younger than me. I met her when I was Twelve, that was when she was kidnapped, around December." Alani took one of the pictures. "I hope she's dead... It's better than living with the burden of being molested. I was molested too... By Fifty old men at once, Yoon was one of the bastards." Alani exclaimed.

"Want to help me get that bastard? For the little girl." Wook offered, they both looked at eachother. "For-sure." they shook on it. A mutual agreement between a Detective and an abused, broken Teenager, one that they would work together to kill the guy who wronged them both.

- - - - -

Alani and Wook arrived at the bottom floor, Alani burst the door open with a single kick and Wook removed the chain at the bottom. "Let's go." he said to Alani as he pulled her along.

They walked through the halls together when suddenly Wook was hit in the back with a mallet. "Wook!" Alani screamed. She too was hit, but across the head and she flung into the wall. "It's time to shine~" blood streamed down Alani's face as her eyes turned black, her skin and hair turned white and transparent as she floated in the air. Her deer antlers shimmered as she smashed Yoon through the wall and she slammed his head against the opposite wall as a few of the people on the first floor watched in horror. Wook picked the guy up off the floor and he hit him across the head with a mallet.

Alani and Wook hovered over Yoon, Alani was glaring so hard it could peirce through obsidian. "You fucking murderers!?" Yoon screamed as he edged back across the floor. Wook crouched on top of him. "Look away Alani, this could get bloo-" Wook was cut off by Alani. "I'll watch... He deserves it." Alani chimed as she crossed her glowing arms. Wook caved Yoon's head in with the mallet, blood splashed on Alani's transparent face. "You don't deserve to live!" Wook shouted as he hit him again "You fucking bitch... Yo-u deserved to- to be... r-ra... ped-" Yoon coughed out towards Alani but Wook hit him one last time and he died.

Wook dragged Yoon's body outside and he was about to lower the shudder on himself and lock himself outside but Alani floated over and she held it up. "Please... Stay- You... You deserve to live, you've done me justice and the little girl." Alani pleaded, Heon joined her and they both took Wook inside. Everyone was timid around Alani. "Why don't you look like the other monsters?" The woman with a dog asked, her name was Hye-In. "You look... Beautiful." she added. "Because I'm in alliance with my plague." Alani replied as Wook collapsed.

Alani hoisted him onto her back and she floated him over to the medical room, she pressed her hands against his chest... She had a strong feeling that she could heal him, a heart feeling. "Come on... I've got to have a strength like the other monsters!" Alani pleaded. "Heal." The voice in her head echoed warmly and white vines with pearl roses entangled around Wook's unconscious body. The wounds on his face and body healed and Alani shrieked with joy.

"Heon! I can heal people! Did- did you see that!" Alani cried with joy. When suddenly, she collapsed onto the floor. Her mind was fuzzy as blood streamed out of her ears and eyes. "Alani!" Heon ran over to her. "I-I'm fine, just not used to it... That's all." Alani reassured him.


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