|8. For you|

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Alani was sat alone in the Isolation room when suddenly the door opened, Su stepped inside and the door closed behind him. "Su!" Alani ran up and she hugged him tightly. "Hello Alani. What happened to your eye?" Su grazed his thumb across her black eye where Yoon hit her with the mallet. "Yoon, he raped me when I was younger... Me and the gangster found him out for what he was. I didn't recognize him at first because he always hid his face... But his eyes, I recognized them." Alani explained. Su's face turned sallow as he stared blankly at Alani.

"Su? Are you alrigh-" Alani was interrupted by Su kissing her on the lips, she kissed back. Alani never felt this kind of love before, Su put his hands on her head as he deepened the kiss, when they both let go they were blushing. "I-I er..." Alani stuttered for the first time. "Please, be my girlfriend." Su bluntly said. "Sure. I'd love that Si." Alani chuckled as she pulled him into another hug. "I'm sorry about what that guy did to you. And I'm sorry for cutting you off, I felt the urge to protect you and I- It kinda came out." Soo apologized for asking her out when she was talking about something serious. "No- No- it's alright. I'm glad you said it then, I feel much better now... Happy even." Alani chimed.

- - - - -

Alani stepped out with her axe and she fazed through the barrier. She stood in the cooling breeze outside as her body turned fully translucent, an odd white glow radiated from her. No one knew she left and she'd like to keep it that way. Alani floated high into the air and she went in search for a Supermarket. She filled a bag Seven times her size, full of all the food, supplies and sanitary stuff inside the nearest market. This was so Su wouldn't have to go and get any of the stuff, Hyuk was making him go out instead of her, she couldn't bear to see him go and return lifelessly, the only time either of them were truly happy was when they were by each others sides.

Alani floated back down to the shudder outside of Green Roof's Apartment complex and she dragged the bag inside after she lifted it up. Hye-In approached her. "Guys! It's Alani!?" She screamed and everyone gathered, pointing weapons at her. "Shit, I'm not fucking insane okay... Here- a bunch of stuff I took-" Alani heaved the bag that towers to the roof inside and when Hyuk opened it piles of food and supplies spewed out. "Your welcome... Now stop sending Su, please, Just for as long as this stuff lasts..." Alani then walked back into the isolation room. She met with Su just before, they both were mentally and physically drained. They took the key from the disabled old man. "Thanks..." Alani muttered as Su unlocked the door. They both entered after returning the key.

Alani and Su both walked over to their sleeping area. "Are you okay?" Alani asked Su as she rubbed his back. "Why do you always help me? Going out there- by yourself... It was so reckless. What if you died? It'd be my fault you died." Su said angrily as he cupped Alanis cheeks. "But I didn't die did I, I wouldn't leave you Su... I never will for that matter. Who will be around to heal you when you're hurt, you'd be dead not long after I die. We need eachother to survive." Alani nudged Su's shoulder. "Alani... Do you eat anything?" Su asked out of the blue. "Yes-" Alani said quickly. "Eat this. To prove to me, that you aren't neglecting your body." Su pleaded as he held out a rice dumpling, Alani took it and as she went to take bite, but, an odd throwing up noise left her mouth and she held the food away, Su lowered his head. "I knew it... Alani... Are you anorexic?" Soo gently questioned.

"...Yes. I've been diagnosed with severe Depression, Schizophrenia, Anorexia, Pyromania and Psychopathic Episodes. I've had them ever since I was Six. That was when I first killed you know." Alani sighed in defeat. "Pathetic... Always seeking help." a different voice run in Alani's head, it was her Uncles. "Su... I'm tired, let's sleep... Okay?" Alani kissed his cheek gently and he put aside the uneaten rice dumpling. Alani felt Su's arms wrap around her thin waist, she felt distant... Another episode was coming and she didn't know of what. However, she had Su and the others with her, atleast she wouldn't be alone this time.

- - - - -

The old man eventually caved in and turned into a monster afterall. Alani watched as Ayn beat up her hairy husband's monster form. "This is what happens to people like you, all monsters die, you will and Su will. So what's the point of living long enough to see the only person you've ever truly cared about die too?" The sharp voice of her Uncle rung in her ears as Su stepped down from the staircase.

When everyone started to disappear Alani stepped up the staircase, in that moment she decided it'd be best if she died. She knew that if she fully turned the others would be killed in an instant. Alani went up all the floors until she reached the roof, she stepped up onto the oh-so familiar wall. The very place she first met the love of her life she was about to kill herself at, the chilly breeze flowed through her silky hair.
Alani was in pain, she just wanted her life to end.

Alani fell backwards off the building and the odd sensation of clarity flowered through her body once again, she did graceful pirouettes in the sky as she decended closer and closer to the ground. In the split second before Alani hit the ground she regretted it, she'd never see Su again, she was about to leave him alone and that was selfish of her. But it was too late, the deed was done, she greeted death as though it was an old friend as she subdued to her inevitable fait.


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