|10. Files|

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Alani fazed through the door as she turned partially normal, her eyes were still black orbs. Alani spotted that Soo was facing a spider-like beast so she ran beside him and she let herself turn into her monster form again, she grabbed the beasts face with her only hand and she popped her fingers into its eye sockets, she then ripped its face clean off. Alani watched as Soo eventually killed it, the beast fell limp on the ground, Alani stomped on its head for safe measures.

Alani and Soo turned to face the crowed, both had black eyes and Alani was human-looking again. "Don't worry... I'm unarmed." Alani joked as she lifted up her arm that was missing everything past the elbow. However her eyes weren't turning back to normal. "Soo... Let's go." Alani encased her arm in white vined roses and they begun growing her arm back as she walked off. Alani limped along with Soo by her side, she took his hand gently into her own as they walked over to the isolation room.

"If you were just going to lock him and Alani up what was the point of rescuing him?" Alani heard Heon say as she opened the green door, she had on a blank sullen face. She was tired of being a monster. "Hyun-Soo, Shi-Alani. Sorry... I know we made things harder for you both." Ji-Eun uttered. "This time we'll let you choose." Hyuk stated. Alani and Soo looked at eachother, he took her waist and guided her inside. The door closed behind them as they entered.

Alani and Soo sat down together on the shredding sofa. Soo hard his hand gently caressing her face as he wiped blood away from her lip. "In another life, we'd be happily sat in the sunshine drinking green tea about now." Alani chuckled. "In that life, we might not even know eachother. That's the one thing I'm glad I lived for, you. I got to be with you, the only person here who truly cares about me." Soo gently inquired as he pushed a strand of her hair away from her porciline face. Alani felt Soo press his lips against hers and she kissed back. When they let go she gave him an inuit kiss. "We will forever be together." Alani whispered. "I love you." Soo mumbled. "I love me too." Alani teased as she poked Soo's stomach, he snickered as she ticked him. "But really though, I love you too. After all this mess were going to move far away and be in peace together." Alani chimed as she threw her now fully formed arm around Soo's shoulder.

- - - - -

Alani decended up to her Apartment with Soo by her side, he refused to leave her alone. Alani unlocked her room using a pin code she installed then she stepped inside. "What are you looking for?" Soo asked and he stepped inside. "Files." Alani said shortly, she looked about and under her bed there was a cardboard shoe box, inside was all her family files. "Found them..." Alani took out one from when she was Seven. She opened in and inside was pictures of her hanging naked upside down as men whipped her, she tried to close it before Soo could see but he took the file and flipped through all of it, Alani saw his eyes turn black from rage. "The doctors, they tortured me to test my durability to pain, my Father had the inability to feel pain you see. I feel it, but barely." Alani sighed as she took out the only blue file amongst the yellow ones. "What's in there?" Soo asked, his eyes forever black. "Shit on my Uncle. He was higher than the government you know... I had this odd feeling that I know what's happening, that I've seen this all before in a dream or something. And my Uncle keeps popping into my head. He's not dead, I couldn't bring myself to kill that bastard, he was my only family left, well aside from like Two cousins I've never met." Alani mumbled.

She opened the massive file and flipped through it, it was all the pictures she took of his work without him knowing. "Drug B45... What's that-" Alani flipped through the file further and she closed it. "What was it?" Soo asked slowly. "A drug... That makes young girl's bodies advance into adults... For sexual purposes." Alani gagged. She watched Soo pull a face of descust. He then picked up one of the files. "Oh- this seems to be results on... Tests, done on you." Soo read through them all and his eyes teared up. "You... We're raped... By Fifty men. You were burned, starved, drowned, cut, beaten... burnt with boiling water..." Soo listed in anger as he flipped through the entire file, his voice broke as tears brimmed in his eyes. "Yep, not that it matters I've forgotten most of what's happened to me." Alani walked around her room and she picked up a sunglasses case, Soo stood beside her as she opened it. Inside was the blade from a box cutter, it had dried up blood on the blade.

"I carved words into my body using this... Hurtful words..." Alani said she she tossed it into the bin. Alani took the shoe box and she stuffed it into her backpack. They both left her Apartment feeling melancholy, Soo felt a wave of sympathy for his girlfriend. He couldn't figure out why she still wore a smile.


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