|4. Tired|

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They were stood before the the room the children were inside. "Kids, were here to help you." Su uttered. They entered the Apartment and everyone gathered around a coffee table, there was a red wax candle and a mug of water in the centre. "Are you both hurt?" Alani asked gently as she inspected the little boys face. "We're fine... Our Dad- can you save our Dad... He-He fell." The little boy named Yeong-Su asked. "I'm sorry... He's gone, to heaven... With my Parents, they're up there together partying." Alani muttered to the boy. "You have no Parents... Too." Su muttered and Alani nodded. "They were Murdered, as was my little sister." Alani whispered back.

"How old are you both?" Su asked the children. "I-I'm Nine, by little brother, he's Six." Su-Yeong replied quite rationally for a Nine year old. "Perfect age to fight monsters." Su comforted. "Are- Are you Two a couple? Miss Mask and Mr Spear." Yeong-Su asked. "Ah- No... No. We're good friends, we've been through allot together. My name is Jung Shi-Alani and I'm Seventeen, he's Cha Hyun-Su and he's Eighteen." Alani introduced her and Su.

"There's a man on the Fourteenth floor that has allot of food for the both of you." Su told the kids. "You're hungry aren't you?" he asked and they nodded. "You don't want to stay here by yourselves, am I right?" Su questioned and they nodded yet again. "In order to get there we will have to go into the Hallway. There might be monsters..." Sure stopped talking and Alani spoke up. "Do you think you are brave enough to fight them?" she asked and they nodded. "Brilliant, follow us, we'll protect you. Won't we Mr Handsome." Alani joked and he nodded. They all stood up and prepared to leave.

"Miss, why do you wear a mask?" Su-Yeong asked. "Well... To hide my face, I'm not the most pretty flower in the bundle like you, sadly... However, I had a close aqquaitence in Secondary School, her name was Lee Eun-Yu she was pretty. However, I was closer to her brother Eun-Hyuk, he was a nerd like I was." Alani said as she hoisted the little boy into her arms.

They set course out of the Apartment and as they reached the door infront of the first row of stairs Su groaned loudly. "What's wrong?" Alani asked quickly as she pulled the kids behind her, Su's nose begun to bleed. He lent against the wall. "Get away... From me- please." Su begged. "Get up the staircase- quick!" Alani pushed the kids up but she stayed low. Su shot his head up, a cold, creepy smile flashed on his face.

Alani heard loud footsteps from outside the closed door, suddenly it collapsed and Su was pinned under it as a giant beast of a monster peered inside, it spotted Alani and uttered: "Protein." as it went to grab her but it's body was too fat for the doorway, she ran up the staircase and pulled the kids behind her. Alani then pried the door off Su unconscious body and she pulled him over her shoulder, it was lucky she was strong.

To Alani's horror the beast broke free from the doorway confiding it and it reached up to grab her. "Move back!" Alani begged the children as she rudely tossed Su's body up the staircase. Alani swung her axe into the beasts knee and it stumbled back. "Filthy wrench, thinking you of all people could be worthy of becoming someone who isn't a Murderer!?" a voice in Alani's head that sounded like a distant, robotic version of her own spat at her. It wasn't her usual, soft spoken voice, but a menacingly cold one. Blood tricked down Alanis face. "Kids- please... When I'm gone- tell Su... Tell him I love him- a-and that I'm sorry we couldn't stay together longer!" Alani cried "What are you going to do, Alani!" Su-Yeong shrieked, Alani ran up the staircase. "Hey- You scrawny, skinny monster! Maybe if you follow me you'll fucking work those skinny muscles of yours for once!?" Alani sharply shouted and the expression on the monsters face changed, Alani glanced one last time at Su before the monster glared at her and it followed her up the many floors. She blocked her and the monster off at the Fifteenth floor. If she was going to die, she was going to take it down with her.


|| Psychotic Saint || ∆ || Cha Hyun-Su ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant