|3. Bravery|

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"Don't cry, Su-Yeong." The young girls Father uttered gently. "Monsters might come if they hear us, shh." The man added. To Alani's horror she noticed a one eyed monster peering closer to the unknowing man. "LOOK OUT!?" she screamed and the man fought back bravely but inevitably he fell to his demise from the Twelfth Floor. Alani found herself being pulled down by Su as he cowered on the floor. "No- GO AWAY!? HELP-" Su-Yeong pleaded. "Su- we can't let them die!" Alani crawled on the floor and she pulled off his bedsheets and curtains, she tied them quickly together and she tied the fabric to her belt. Alani took out a machete from her briefcase and she threw the other end of the fabric rope she just made into Su's hands.

"Hold it tight-" and with that she jumped out of the window, Su, who was unknowing of what she was going to do, screamed in fear as he held onto the fabric for dear life. "She's batshit crazy... Yet- I feel safe with her." he thought.

Alani jumped on top of the one eyed monster, she stabbed the machete into its eye over and over again. "YOU'RE INSANE!?" A sharp cold voice rippled through Alani's mind. "No wonder the things mentally unstable... It was raped by Fifty Men, daily, for years and years... That's got to leave a mental scar." a cold-hearted females voice of her past echoed through her mind as she pulled her way up the fabric. Su held out his hand and he pulled her back inside, they both rolled on the ground.

Alani was on top of Soo. "S-Sorry..." she apologized she she stood upright. "I don't think I killed it-" Alani was suddenly pulled out of the way and Su was suffocated by the one-eyed monster. "No! S-Soo!?" Alani cried, he was her first proper friend, she couldn't loose him. Alani jumped up and she went to save him but she suddenly felt something pop in her nose. Blood oozed out of her nostrils like waterfalls as a bullet shot through and decapitated the one eyed monster.

Su saw blood drip down Alanis neck from behind her mask. "I'm infected too..." Alani whispered, she then walked over to the window and she peered out, as did Soo. A man was leaning out of the window Two spaces across from theirs, the man put away his handmade gun and he downed a bottle of alcohol.

He placed his finger up against his lips to hint silence before he pulled out a notepad, written on it was: "They might come if they hear a noise." Alani and Soo nodded at the same time. The man flipped the page and wrote: "Those things don't die." and both Alani and Soo peered down and they noticed that the creature got up and headlessly walked around. "Dad! Dad!" Yeong-su, a little boy, screamed after his dead father. The man across from them held up his notebook again, it said: "Do you want to save the kids?" and they both nodded.

They both clambered inside, they were going to see that guy in his Apartment. Alani intertwined her hand with Su's as she jumped before him. "I'm smiling- you can't see it, but I am... Anyway, we stick together, no matter what, okay. Don't worry, we'll get out alive." Alani comforted Su, even through they met Three or so days ago, Alani was the first person to enter Su's room since the start of his depression, he didn't want to leave her side, he preferred to be by her side. However, Su couldn't help but feel bad for Alani, he could visibly see that she was hiding a tough past, which made him somewhat respect her.

Su nodded his head and Alani picked up her briefcase and she sung it over her left shoulder. "Let's go..." she uttered and they left Su's apartment, Alani then stepped into her own and Su followed in after her. Blood was splattered on her bed and the sink in her bathroom was drenched in what looked like her own blood. "I get nosebleeds allot... Ah- that's what in here for." Alani picked up her red handled silver axe. "We best get moving." Alani and Su begun walking together through the eerily silent hills.

The disabled man told them that he couldn't help, however he gave Su an advanced weapon. "Are you sure you don't want me to prepare you any weapons?" The man asked Alani, she dropped her briefcase down by his feet, she had her axe in-hand. "In there... Is some weapons my Uncle made me when I was Eleven." Alani said as the man rummaged through the electric and fire based weapons. There was even a long sword that lit on fire with the touch of a button.

"Who are you... Really..." The man named Du-Sik interrogated as he pushed his wheelchair forth. "Jung Shi-Alani, like I said before Sir." Alani politely responded with her gummy smile. "Sure... Strange Uncle you have, giving you deadly weapons at Eleven." Du-Sik said skeptically. "Well, my past doesn't matter does it, in the nicest way possible I mean. I didn't exactly have the best models growing up. So getting weapons was the best part about it sadly." Alani sighed out as she threw her axe into the air and catched it. "We should go..." Su spoke up. "Right, we will get those kids, don't worry... Use any of my weapons if any on those shit faces try and get you. Okay old man?" Alani said with a cheeky wink. "Old man- who's the old man here-" Du-Sik scolded. "Bye-Bye!" Alani chuckled as she pulled Su out of the Apartment and they walked about mindlessly.

Without warning Su pulled Alani into a broken elevator as the half headed monster walked by, Alani was in between Su's legs as they crouched, he had his hand around her waist. Alani gagged at the smell coming from the box of rotten fish infront of them. The monster shot it's hand at the fish as it peered into the elevator, the sound of the flies must've attracted it. Alani held in a sharp breath as Su stabbed his electric spear into the monsters heart. He didn't waste any time at all, he ceased Alani's hand and he pulled her along.

They ran along hand-in-hand, they both dived around a corner as the monster shot out it's spiked arm. Alani was huddled close to Su as they tried not to touch one of the spikes "Where- are- you..." The monster croaked. It was slowly stepping closer, releasing its spiked arm. Su pointed his head at something, Alani spun around and she spotted Three coloured rubber balls, she took One while Su took Two. Alani made a signal with her hand, she counted down and at One, they threw the rubber balls, as they bounced about confusing the blind monster they both skidded forwards, Su electrocuted the monsters heart while Alani aimed for its only ear, she swung her axe as the monster sizzled to the ground, it's ear rolled on the floor.

"Run! Before it's earheals back!" Alani screamed as she took Su's hand, she grew used to physical contact between her and Su, it was there way of telling the other was still human. As they ran down the staircase Alani tripped and she landed on her ankle, it dislocated and she stayed calm. "Shit... It's popped out if placed." Alani muttered. "I'll help you, were so close..." Su tried to heave Alani onto his back but she stopped him. "Look away... If you get squeamish." Alani said but he didn't look away, she waked her foot so hard against the wall that it popped back into place "Fuck- Fuck!" she whimpered, she was crying under her mask but Su couldn't see. "It's fine now, let's go." Alani looped down the next set of staircases, they ran out into the hallway.


|| Psychotic Saint || ∆ || Cha Hyun-Su ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang