|1. The girl in the mask|

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A girl wearing a bunny mask approached the rooftop of the apartment complex she stayed at, this girl was named: Jung Shi-Alani. She slipped off her white converse shoes as she reached the gate leading to the roof. Alani expected it to be abandoned since the usual people who recited onto the roof were never up there at the time she arrived.

Up ahead, a boy her age she recognized as the new resident was stood on the wall, with one of his slippered feet dangling over the edge as he contemplated falling off. "Hey... Don't do it, please." She spoke kindly and the boy looked back at her blankly, he was very handsome and seemed to take notice of her mask. "Why?" Was all the boy replied with. "If you want to kill yourself, think about how others would feel... Your life wouldn't be changed at all because you be dead, your death would affect the people around you." Alani stated as she stepped forward once.

"I have no one left to miss me..." The boy muttered solemnly as he peered down at the pavement below. "I would miss you Mr Handsome." Alani beamed as she too stepped up onto the small wall. She was rather short compared to the boy beside her, she barely reached his shoulder. "I've only seen and talked to you once... And I'd already die for you. If you die now, you can't come back, death is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Just think about how you'll fall, what if you regret it and it's too late?" Alani explained under her breath.

"Why... do you care..." The boy whispered, it was clear that he was an introvert by how slowly he was talking. "Well, I see everyone as an equal, one glance and I respect you. Anyone who attempts to end their own life is most likely going through hardships some can't even comprehend. I care about you, even though you are a stranger, I'd die for you the same way I'd die for a friend, or a Lover... But then that's just me- I belong in a loony bin with how berserk my mind is." Alani joked as she jumped down.

Alani held her hand out. "Come, you're not going to die today..." she inquired intently, the boys reluctant hand grazed hers and she helped him down. Alani took off a wooden infinity sign necklace she had around her neck and she passed it to the boy. "Here... A reward for being strong enough to want to live through this day, for me... Goodbye Mr Handsome~" Alani said then she walked away.
It was ironic, Alani went onto that rooftop to take her own life, but she wound up prolonging another's from ending instead.

- - - - -

BANG! Alani felt her walls shake, there was another loud: BANG! coming from from her front door. She stuffed her box cutter into her dressing table and she pulled out a box of tissues from under it. Alani had just self inflicted cuts up her arms, this happened whenever she looked at her own reflection, or when she dwelled on her horrific past.

"Help me you brat!?" A female voice shrieked, this lady had been knocking for Two whole minutes after Alani first went to see who it was at her front door. She wasn't a fool, she could see the mad glint in the woman's eyes. This woman was in the Entertainment Business, she also lived one door down from Alani's Apartment, there was a second Apartment separating Alani's from the woman's.

"Fuck... Do I really have to kill this bitch?" Alani cursed as she stepped up and she slipped on her bunny mask. Alani crouched under her bed and she pulled out a large metal briefcase. Inside this leather briefcase was many, many weapons. Alani pulled out an electric-bullet powered shotgun she handmade and she loaded it. Alani pulled down the safety pin as she unlocked her front door.
Calmly Alani opened her front door only to see the boy she met on the rooftop Two days ago ran past her door as he held a broken sweeping brush as a weapon. Clearly he had the intention of killing the psychotic woman since he shouted: "Come out you crazy bitch!" as he ran barefoot out of his apartment, Alani noticed the blood and the floor and she sighed.

"I think she's gone." Alani spoke up and the boy pointed his 'weapon' shakily toward her head. "Woah- Lower the broom I'm not whatever that lady was, I promise." Alani crossed her heart with the shotgun. "What's your name and age?" Alani asked the boy. "...Cha Hyun-Su, Eighteen." Su introduced himself quietly. "Well Su, I'm Jung Shi-Alani and I'm Seventeen." Alani held her hand out and Su shook her hand shakily.
Su's hand trailed down to Alanis wrists, burn marks spelt out: "Monster!" and "Insane!" on both her forearms. Miss matched cuts were plastered up her arms, some were scarred over while others were raw and fresh from Ten Minutes ago.

"Ignore those, I've been practicing SFX makeup lately." Alani joked as she rolled down her sleeves nervously. "Su- You're... Bleeding." Alani gasped as she pressed the hems of her jumper against his bloody nose, blood was spraying out of his nose like a waterfall and he collapsed into Alani's arms.


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