|5. The alliance|

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"Muscle... Protein-" Alani heard as she was was smashed into the wall, she coughed up blood all over her front, one of the ears on her mask broke off and she had a bruised collarbone. Alani rolled out of the way as the beast smashed both of its fists where she once layed. "You're weak!" The voice snarled. "No wonder no ones ever loved you! The Daughter of the top Mafia- They died and you were taken away! You were left to rot because that's all you are worthy of. Pain... You are a child soldier, pain is all you know." The voice spat.

- - - - -

[Flashback, Age: 4]

"The preparations are in order Master." The Butler said to Mr Jung, he had a young Alani propped onto his knee. He wasn't a bad man, he stole from the rich and dispursed to the poor. When Alani was to grow up, she was going to take over his multi billion business. Her Father loved her, she was his little princess. Alani was undergoing training by her Uncle, training her to kill. She'd have to kill a bunch of criminals in the future, she'd become a vigilante like her Father and Mother.

"Excellent! You may leave." The Butler left. "Darling... This will be the best Birthday you'll ever have, a promise. Here- I've got you a gift for the party." Mr Jung passed Alani a box the size of a serial box. She opened it and inside was a metal bunny mask. "I love it!" Alani cooed as she held it against her porciline face. "It suits you well dear, now let's go into the Living Room, your Mother and Aleni are awaiting our arrival." Mr Jung carried Alani all the way down into the white living room. The blazing sun beamed inside.

"Honey, look- Alani's results for school came in!" Mrs Jung glided over as Alani played with her baby sister Aleni. Mr Jung's happy face faded into one of horror. "Has... Have they found out about this?" Mr Jung asked his wife lowly. "Not yet, we will have to flee tonight. Oh- I can't bear it, she's only a kid. Just because she's one of the most intelligent and smart children alive- it's all because of her Photographic memory... My poor baby girl, So young... So innocent." Mrs Jung cried into her husband's chest. "She'll be fine, it's lucky that Aleni is normal, but she's dying of Cancer... It's only Alani we have to worry about mental wise... The doctor said that her extensive intelligence and knowing of everything could lead to her developing Sociopathic or Psychotic tendencies in later life..." Mr Jung uttered.

"I won't Father, I promise. Cross my heart." Alani chuckled out. "You... You know what I mean by that, darling?" Mr Jung gasped, a sad expression crawled across his face. "Of course, I am smart afterall... For a now-Five year old." Alani joked when there was a sudden blast at the front door. "Quick! Guards- block all entrances!" Mr Jung ordered, Alani was guided behind the sofa by Mrs Jung. "Stay here Alani... Remember, Mommy loves you, and Daddy loves you." Mrs Jung kissed the centre of Alani's forehead before she ran away with Aleni.

Alani slid her skinny frame under the sofa and she watched from underneath it. They tragedy about being mature for her age, meant Alani knew exactly what was happening. She clutched her bunny mask as her Father was held at gunpoint. "This is where it ends Mr Jung, if your give us your Freak of a child... Then... We will spare your Wife and Daughter." The man in a tailored suit offered. A scream echoed through the room as gunshots were heard, Mrs Jung was pulled in by her silky blonde hair, she was holding onto Aleni for dear life.

"What is it... Your daughter's life for theirs... Or- I kill you all and take her myself, I know she's in this very room... As we speak." The man chuckled. "See what you've done, you killed them all!" The future voice echoed through Alani's mind as the flashback still played on.
"Honey... Let us die, Aleni will be at peace with no more pain... We can all be together in Heaven, our Daughter, she's worth dying for." Mrs Jung said with pride, a gun was pointed at her head. "Very well then... Kill them all." Bullets echoed through Alani's mind as she watched her families lifeless bodies drop onto the floor, blood splattered across her once pretty face. "Look for the kid." The man ordered.

Alani felt her legs being dragged and she was held upside down in the air. "Found you~" The man cooed. "Let's take her to the first base, then we'll take her to the Asylum." The man stated.

- - - - -

"I can make you feel free, I can take the burden of being too kind, of being too smart away. You can feel numb again!" The voice offered, Alani felt blood oozing down her face more rapidly. "I don't want that, you want that... I'll take over you, you are just some bug, some virus in my mind. How about, we work together?" Alani said as she dodged the beast. "Work, together?" The voice uttered. "Yeah, you need a body to stay alive, and I need to protect Su and the Kids, So... Please, work with me." Alani felt an odd wave of power urge through her, she was turning... However, she didn't expect what she'd turn into.

Alani's roots turned white and radiated a jocund Pearl glow as her skin turned transparent and deer antlers shot out of her head. Her eyes were black orbs and she was floating in the air. Alani tightened her mask to her face, as she flew straight into the beast, she had incredible strength, she outmatched the monster before her. Alani pushed it against the wall and it fell off the top floor, right then she fell to the ground and she turned normal again.


|| Psychotic Saint || ∆ || Cha Hyun-Su ||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن