|11. Hospital|

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Ji-Su had an Appendix Problem, Su and Wook were going to get Hospital supplies. Alani paced about right as Su left, She had her eyes closed as she paced back and forth. "Hyuk!" Alani shouted. "What?" he asked. "I have a page in my mind- a medical book I read, it has all the procedures of surgery- if I write them down could you follow them?" Alani asked quickly as she rushed over to a piece of paper, she picked up a stick and she wrote them down in her blood. "Here- I'm going after So-" Alani was cut off by a loud crashing noise outside, she sprinted outside to find that the van had toppled over because of something.

Alani watched the old man with medical problems throw bottles of alcohol lit with fire at a humongous beast, the one she knocked off the roof. Yi-Keyong crashed an entire fire truck into the beast and it crashed into the side of a building. "Su!? Take the old man back!" Alani screamed as she ran out, she turned into her monster form as she flew into the fire truck and she saved Yi, she pulled her out and threw her into Wook's arms. "Take her and run!" She screamed at Wook.

"I'm going to kill you." Alani said calmly as she grabbed the back of the fire truck, she pulled it back with ease before she stood face-to-face with the beast. "Maximum Protein!?" it shouted as it grabbed Alani, she was hoisted into the air. "Wrong move, I've won." Alani said to the beast and it furrowed its brows in confusion, Alani had a grenade in her hand, she took it from her Apartment that day, she knew she'd have to face the beast again.

Alani let a tear slip as she held her arms up in the air. "ALANI DONT!?" Su screamed as he tried to run over. Alani pulled the pin and she stuffed it onto the beasts eye. "I'm taking you with me if I die today!" Alani chuckled with a psychotic grin. The beast let go of her and she pushed it back into a deep pit in the ground, with one final push she and the beast fell into the pit and a large explosion ruptured.

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Su's POV

Su fell onto his knees as silent tears streamed down his opened eyes. "No... No. It's impossible... She's still alive." Soo uttered in disbelief. "Young man... It was a noble thing your Girlfriend did." Gil-Seob uttered as he crouched beside Su. "No- She's still alive! She has to be!? WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!" Su screamed as he went to run forward and save her. "She's dead..." Wook uttered as he held Su back, Su broke down entirely and he cried in agonizing pain.

Wook pulled Su inside and he walked off alone into a room, he sat down and he rested his head numbly against the wall as he thought about Alani's pure smile. "It's your fault she died you know, she went out there to save you." The voice told Si. "I know... But I have to survive, or her death would be in vein." Su thought. Yi walked over to him, she had a knife in her hand and she sliced the back of his hand, Su's had healed. "What are you doing." he asked in shock. "What was the first symptom you had?" Yi asked. "A nosebleed? Passing out?" she listed. "Tell me when it was exactly." she begged. "What-" Su was cut off. "You have to remember." she uttered. "It was the day that you turned into a monster. I heard it speaks to you, does it?" Yi questioned. "Yeah..." Su muttered.

"Be honest, have you ever completely escaped from it? You have, tell me how." She quizzed, Su fell silent. "Come on! Tell me how!?" Yi shouted as she grabbed him by his jacket. "I just wanted to live..." Su responded. Yi stepped back as tears formed in her eyes, she fell to the floor. "Why exactly are you doing this to me?" Su asked. "There were more people who tried to resist monsterization, the government carried out experiments on them. To try and find a way to stop this disease." Yi mumbled. "We're they... Successful?" Su asked. "Why don't you ask me, what happened to the people who were used as experiments?" Yi murmured, she then sighed. "I ran into some soldiers, actually, they caught me. I told them all about you... And Alani." Yi uttered, she started to tremble. "I... Wanted to live too." She looked away.

"That... That's not the worse part. The man in the room... He was keen to know about Alani, it was like he knew her. It was then I noticed his name badge... Jung Yoon-Shi... He was Alani's Uncle. He wants her Su... He wants her alive or dead." Yi wiped the tears away from her eyes. "When she saved me out there... I felt so guilty. She was so nice, so benevolent... And I sold her out to the very man who ruined her life." Yi cried. Su fell silent as he stared at her.


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