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Day 1 :
Snake 🐍
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"Maybe this room? No,"
Allegra stroll around the hall, figuring her way around the new environment. For her, a new school meant a whole new maze to explore. Or perhaps, it meant getting lost for hours and hours just to search one single room.

She opened a white wooden door and is immediately greeted by a magnificent looking garden. Her eyes wondered around the chamber, looking at every corner of the room. Her eyes fell onto a girl. Her ash blonde hair, neatly tied into a side ponytail. Her pale emerald eyes were focusing on a piece of art .  As Allegra walked up to her, that is when the girl notice her present.

A smile was carved on her face as she looked at Allegra. She then turned back to her work, once more paying more attention on her painting. Allegra stood there confused, she then curiously went to the girl's side. "Hey, sorry for bothering you. I'm new here and I kinda got lost. Are you perhaps a senior?" she questioned. The girl just nodded softly as she crouched down to pick up another tube of paint. Allegra then kept asking a few questions, but none of it were answered. Oddly enough, the girl just sat there listening to her.

Allegra gave up, realizing that perhaps she was bothering the girl. She was going to open her mouth when the girl put down her paint brush and reached out for a notebook. "Please don't worry, I'm not bothered at all. I'm mute. So, I shall be answering your question in a bit. I really need to finnish the painting. I hope my writing is clear enough to read," the note said. Her eyes widen. "I'm sorry! I thought I was just bothering you," she embarrassed bowed down. The girl just smiled at her act and tapped her shoulder, signaling her to stand up. She then got back to her notebook. "I'm Florence, you are?" the written note asked. Allegra smiled happily, "I'm Allegra! it is nice to meet you!"

Years pass by as fast as the autumn winds blows. Hundreds of days were spent with happy memories. Everyday is something new for both of them. Watching as Florence finnish each one of her paintings, listening to the tunes of Allegra's violin, learning sign languages to improve their communication, or even just having small talks.

"So, why a snake?" Allegra asked, keeping a safe distance from  Florence. Florence smiled and looked at the snake that is now slithering around her hand. "It's pretty, so why not?" she wrote with her other hand. Allegra just stared at the snake, "Hey, doesn't snake mostly represent evil. Oh and they also--" Before the girl can continue her words, the older one hit her softly on the shoulder. "Hey what that's for?!" she protested. Florence just pouted, showing her notebook. "Don't say that about the poor thing. If we're talking about representation here, there's a good one bout it," she explained. Allegra tilted her head, "really?" The other one nodded, writing down some more notes. "You know how snake shed their skin? Well that can be the representative of rebirth and healing," she wrote. Allegra made a small 'oh' as she scoot closer, braving herself to get used at the snake.

"Say, have you ever wished to be reborn then?" Allegra asked. Her tone got lower, concerning Florence for a bit. The girl then shakes her head. "Having no ability to speak is quite a downside. But, I will never wish for another life. This life gave me you, a great friend," she wrote. Allegra looked at the older one. They sent a smile to each other, both happy at the words. But the smile faded when the thoughts came up to Allegra's head. Florence was indeed a year older than her, with that her graduation will come sooner or later. She will be left behind. The thought was clouding her head, but a small pat on her shoulder snapped her out of it. Her eyes met the older one's as Florence gave her a look of  worry. Allegra just smiled weakly, 'i'm sure it's fine, we both have a path of our own to build.'

Her plays are known by the world. Allegra grew up to be a great violinist, touring around the world to perform at a lot of important occasions. Today is just one of the day, an opening for the newly built gallery. She walked into the stage, holding her violin up as she begin to play. Her performance was doing greatly. Eyes wondering around the crowd, looking at their faces one by one. Known people, artist from around the world, and a very familiar face among the crowd.

As she finished her concert, she took a stroll around the exhibit, looking at every single painting. Her steps stopped at a one specific painting, it's truly a familiar one for her. Was it what the art represent or was it the name that caught her staring. A tap on her shoulder sent her back to her sense. "Yes?" She turned around, meeting two pale emerald orbs. The girl's hand movements giving her a sign, complimenting on her fantastic performance. Allegra smiled at the compliment, but also at the one who is now in front of her. "Thank you, Florence. It is truly nice to see you again."

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Hey, you made it till the end!
I'm already stressing over the first one (• ▽ •;)
Sorry for the grammar mistake, I am really bad at it (´ . .̫ . ')

Well, thank you for reading today's story! I'll see you tomorrow (ㆁωㆁ)

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