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Day 2 :
The child 💿
I meant Tommy--
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Tommy watch closely as the smaller one runs around freely trough the path that he once build. Time has passed since his revival and everything seems to happen rather quickly.

Starting with his best friend, who is now platonically married to a man. It does scar him quite a lot finding out that his friend moved on rather quickly from hid dead, as well as easily replacing him in the process.

His plan to assassinate Dream ends up failing, turning for the worst. It results in the death of Ghostbur and the revival of Wilbur. Well, by meeting his once admired 'brother  he was not sure on what to think of the man.

The rise of a new nation, Las Nevadas. Meeting his old pal as he is doing well was truly a great part. But as both figures, who want to protect him, fought against each other for his custody. Well, let's just say it wasn't a sight he is fond off.

The boy himself, he choose to stay by his brother's side. Being promised that they're family and that they should stick with each other. Tommy was sure that it's his way of getting into his head, but he gave in either way. Now they reside near the new raising country, sometimes picking up childish fight towards the nation.

But even with all of that, perhaps not all was bad. Feeling a small tug on his side, the boy looked over the smaller one who is now pulling the edge of his white and red shirt. "Yes, Shroud?" the boy said, smiling fondly at the arachnid child. The spider tugged his clothes towards the road, implying the promise he made to take Shroud to the hotel. "Okay, okay! Stop it! Let me go get some food first," he said as he starts to search from his chest, picking up some left over breads.

Meeting the smaller one was a bless on it's own. It's weird to see a 'child' taking care of another child. But Tommy, he tries his best to take care of the smaller one. Sewing some clothes for him, calming the arachnid during night time. Well, taking care of the child in in general.

They were ready to go until a blaring sound shocked both of them. Tommy's stood there still, face turning pale. "No no no, it can't be," he mumbled in pure fear. It was the prison's siren, it meant that Dream has escaped. His thoughts were going everywhere, growing worried of every possiblity.

He snapped once he felt someone cling onto him. Tommy almost pushed down whoever it was in response. But instead, he was greeted by Shroud's concerned look. He snapped from his thoughts, crouching down to pick up the child.

The smaller one tilt their head, questioning wether Tommy is okay or not. Tommy just smiled weakly at him, as he sling his bag of food to his shoulder. "I'm fine. We'll be fine, promise," he said as they both walk toward the hotel, very much hoping for shelter and information itself.

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Hey, I miss a day--
I'll write the one for today in a bit, promise (• ▽ •;)

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