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Day 7 :
Dream 🌠
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The girl escaped from her own party, not wanting to be a part from the drunk mess. Today was her special day and she was grateful for the surprise. Though, everything seems to go down quickly when you're living with bunch of mad mans. As soon as the alcohol got out, it was a sign for the younger ones to escape the place.

Aya walked into the woods. Familiar with the path, the moon and the star was enough to guide her way. She arrived at the forest clearing, seating herself near the giant rock. The little girl looked up to the sky, gazing at the start sky.

"Would you like to join me, Clair?" she said, looking over to the older girl. Clair, who was hiding behind the trees, giggled nervously. She stepped out of her hiding place, walking over to the younger

They both sat there, admiring the beautiful sky. "Hey, Aya. Do you have a dream?" The older one asked. Aya didn't respond. It was because, she doesn't have an answer for that. She kept wondering about it, but in the end she gave up. "Not really," mustered.

The little one grew up with almost everything. A good education, great state of economics, even a carrier planned for her future. To top all of that, Aya's life was fully controlled by her parents. So the thought of another dream or achievement never come to mind. But, how about now? She's free and all, yet nothing came in mind.

This time Aya spoke up,"How about you? Do you have a dream?" Clair looked around and hummed. A smile is carved on her face, "I want to be a performer! Any kinds will do. I love seeing the happiness on people's face when they're watching my father's performance, so both me and Blair tried to follow in his steps. Technically, I am one now. Though, I want to find a way to perform more openly to the world," she explained. Aya stared at her glittering emerald eyes, seemingly feeling brighten up by the older one's words.

"So this is where you two went," a voice came up. Both of them look up to the source of sound. One come teleporting right beside Aya as the other two approached them. "What were you two talking about?" Blair questioned. "Dreams! Well, little Aya here doesn't seem to have one," Clair replied. Aya softly hit her on the shoulder, faking a small cry along with it. "How dare you!" she sobbed, receiving a giggle from the older one.

With all of them start there, they all starts to joke around. Well, mostly Miu causing havoc with her chaotic personality. Aya looked at all of them, warmth filling her heart. Perhaps, this is what she had ever dreamed off. She got everything she wanted when she arrives at this place. The freedom that she longed for and the kind of family she hoped for. "Thank you," she whispered. Miu who heard it looked over to her, "Thank you? For what?" The youngest just shakes her head, smiling.

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