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Day 3 :
Pasta 🍝
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"Just a bit more, I'll be home in a bit. Come on,"
Everything seems to turn blurry as his consciousness started to fade out. The boy started to stumble on his feet as he fell onto into his side. He felt the touch of grass underneath him, softly brushing against the skin. As the boy was about to pass out he heard footsteps running towards him. With that, the boy completely blacked out.

Yurio woke up in his bed, greeted by a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. He slowly regain his consciousness before looking around the place. An unknown owl was flying around the room, it made him wonder on who was the mysterious guest he got here.

"You're awake,right? How long are you gonna lay there?" A voice greeted him. Yurio looked over to find a familiar looking face as she set her warmly cooked meal  on the table. "Mira? Why the hell are you here?" He questioned her, quite shocked to see that his is sister here. The girl stared at him in disbelief, walking over to him just to hit Yurio on the head with a spatula. The boy winced in pain, "hey, what's that for?!"

The boy joined her, looking over to the table to see a plate of spaghetti. He looked at her in a way judging, "you made me spaghetti for breakfast?" The girl just glared at him and chuckled dryly, "no, I made you spaghetti for lunch." Shocked by the answer, the boy ran to his desk in panic. He looked over to the table clock to find that it is now almost 2:00 pm.

Yurio sighed in defeat, deciding to just enjoy his lunch for now. They both ate in silence. Yurio thought trough every chores for the day and what can he do for the small amount of time, while Mira was just enjoying her food. The girl finished first and she just decide to wash her own dish and quickly went back home, which Yurio doesn't really mind. The girl left, bringing the owl on her shoulder.

In a bit, Yurio finnished his food as well. He did his house work and went outside. He was surprised to see that his crops were properly watered, the animals were brushed clean and his storage and stocks of the day was properly arranged. "Who did this," he wondered, finding some of the left over ingredients such as fresh tomatoes, oil,  and some homemade pasta.

"Ah, Yurio. I'm glad you're fine,"
The boy looked over to the source of voice. Turns out it was Cam and in his hand is a bouquet of flowers. Yurio panicked, thingking that perhaps this day couldn't be more surprising. "H-hey! What brings you here?" real smooth Yurio, try again. Cam just chuckled lightly at his act, he then handed him the bouquet of flowers.

From him, Yurio learned that he was the one who found him passed out. He brought the boy back to his house and since Cam wasn't really sure what to do next, he seek help from Mira. The girl was the one who took care of his farmer chores, she also went around to deliver some of his deliveries. Yurio sat there listening carefully, hearing how his sister was the one who helped his work.

The next day came by and it is now 5 in the evening. The boy just finished his job, he watered his crops, check on his stocks and he huddled the animals back to their barn. He then walk through the tunnel, entering Konohana village.

Yurio stood in front of the door, standing still. His hand was holding a pack of green rice candies. The boy knocked on the door and was greeted by the older girl, who was carrying a kitten on her arm. "Yurio? You need something?" she questioned. The boy handed him the pack of candies, "here, thanks for helping me,"

Mira stared at the pack, a smile was creeping up on her face. "Thanks, I appreciate it," she said, chuckling lightly. Yurio smiled back at her, happy to see his sibling's smile. Mira then enter her house again. At first Yurio though that meant, 'thanks, I'll be doing something else now.' But, the girl opened the door widely, "so, you want some or not? I don't really like sweets," she stated. The boy looked at her in delight, "well don't mind if I do!" They both then spend their evening chatting.

Yurio : "So, you said that you don't like sweets that much. Why do you buy this thing a lot then?"

Mira : "You see, I bought those for a gift,"

Yurio : "Wait, so you bought it daily just for Hiro? Ahahah, what a simp,"

Mira : "Shut up hypocrite, like you don't spend your time watching Cam."

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It was gonna be a 1st person POV
But I'm bad at those (´ . .̫ . ')

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