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Day 6:
Acceptance 🍂
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He was welcomed here, or at least that what he tries to believe on. Left behind as the other celebrates their finnished project, Otis decided to be the one on duty for the day. He wasn't forced to do so, he just felt that it was better for him to stay back.

Hearing the door slide open, his eyes averted to the newly arriving boy. It was Silas, one of his very best friend for as long as he remembered. "Hey, are you just gonna stare at me? No greetings at all?" Silas complained. Otis just laughed at his remarks, continuing on his tasks. "Hello there Silas, why don't you just come in?"

Silas was always there for him, concerning on every small things and questioning every small detail. Otis always thought it was a bit over the top, but he always appreciate the concern. To add on the odds, the boy seem to always show up on Otis' hard parts of life. Wether it was a coincidence or not, he never knew.

"Otis? Are you okay? Hey, what are you thinking off?" The voice snapped Otis from his thoughts. He just smiled at the other boy, approaching the table to take a seat besides him. "Nothing Silas, I'm just fine," he answered.

They both chat happily, making it seem like time has passed so quickly. It was all going just fine until Silas' expression went upside down. The act concerned Otis' he slide his chair closer to him. "Silas, is there something wrong?" he questioned. Silas looked at him, taking one deep breath. "I need to talk, you may not like the topic."

They both sat there in silent, the air seems awfully suffocating at the moment. The sounds of moving chair startled Otis. His eyes watching the other boy as he stood up himself. Silas walked to the window, eyes wondering around the now empty field. "I've asked this a lot, Otis. But, are you sure you're okay? Is there nothing you want to admit to me?" he asked. Otis just sighed, nodding his head. "Yes, Silas. I am alright," he insisted.

"So, how long are you gonna keep being like this?" The question startled Otis, "What are you talking about?" Silas chuckled weakly, "it's no funny matter, though I kept on pondering on how long are you gonna keep me here," he responded.

"Isn't it odd, Otis? I seem to only appear when you feel down. Outside of it? Not really, I'm usually in the back of your mind," Silas acknowledge. Otis still hasn't moved an inch, his eyes on the floor. "Otis, I need you to wake up. I don't exist."

That snapped the boy, he charges in to grab the other one's shoulder. "Shut up! You're talking nonsense!" he snapped. His act was a form of confusion and anger, yet somewhere in his heart something felt like it acknowledge the situation. Calmly grabbing Otis' hands Silas smiled in sorrow, "Otis, please. Please go on, don't be scared to do so. Hey, you're now part of this club! All of them welcomed you warmly, right?"

Otis shaked his head, refusing to believe a single thing. In defeat, Silas lift his head up. He looked to the window, Otis following his gaze. A figure fell weakly from the sky, startling Otis. He quickly walked over to the window. Looking at the familiar figure, who is now laying dead on the field. "Silas."

"Otis wake up!" the voice woke the boy up. Tears running over his face. One of the club member was holding onto his shoulder, a worried expression carved on his face. Giving in Otis leaned in crying. The other one just stood there in silent, letting the boy cry his pain out. Otis looked over to the window, greeted by the smile of the familiar figure. His good friend waving his hand as a sign of goodbye. As the boy blinked his eyes, the figure was finally gone.

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