vii | unseen

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WITH A BURNING, smoldered back, bleeding crimson drops of pain, Eros cried.

Love had humbled him, maybe, bringing his feet down to Gaia.

The crescent moon poured soft beams over the terrace. He stood in a veranda.

Psyche waited in her room. She had still not seen him.

And he didn't want her to.

At the click of his fingers, a black drapery surrounded the bedroom. For moments he could sense the fear in her bosom and the sinister fright of her eyes.

But then in his sweet voice, he whispered into her ears.

"It is your husband."

She spread her arms instinctively, trying to feel his presence.

"Alas, you can't see me. You must not see the face of this ugly monster."

She grimaced, pulling back her hands to embrace herself.

"There's no need to mercy on me."

His invisible palm clasped her nimble fingers.

"There is. There is kindness even in the worst, and there is a blessing even in a curse."

Psyche could feel his fingers glide up her waist, to her heart and then lift up her chin.

"If thou must know me, do through a touch of love and the trust of blind faith."

There was no other way. She was his bride and she had to agree.

"I accept."

She could feel a cool breath fanning her neck. Within moments, the brooch pinning her tunic fell down. A pair of arms embraced her.

"Psyche is your name?"

Frozen in her spot, she said, "Yes."

"Would you allow me to make love to you tonight?"

"A bride doesn't get the choice."

Something soft touched her earlobes. She concluded they were his lips.

"But if she wants, we can take it slow."

She clutched the tunic that now stayed useless on the bed.

Fear reigned in her heart.

Would he dig his claws into her heart, or would he first fool her to believe an illusion?

"May she turn her face towards me?"

"I can't see you."

"You can feel me. I am behind you."

Slowly, she turned her head, waiting for him to take a step.

Her heart hammered against her ribcage.

He is a monster, is he not?

"I shall not be, to you."

He sealed their lips, banishing her fears as the magic worked its wonders.

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