Author's Note

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At the last moment I decided to write another entry for The Ambys

Yeah I know I am mad

Actually I had wanted to write this story for winterfest 2020 but gave up the idea. The plot was way more complicated back then, and now when in publish this it is simpler, made so due to the word count. I wrote it under 7000 words. Whew.

I have tried to do my best in one day(lol less than 24 hours and the stress of organic chemistry) but I don't know if it's really good.

Anyways, I am submitting this. I might edit this (or not) later on after the results are out

But yeah, I feel happy. One long suppressed idea has been fulfilled.


Okay, so the Author's Note above was written in a hurry last night when I wanted to go to sleep soon and switch off the phone.

So please forgive me for such a dull  A/N.

This book was supposed to revolve around three couples– the main one being Eros and Psyche( a reincarnation story where Chaos is reborn as Psyche), then Dionysus getting back Ariadne and with a little bit of Persephone and Aidoneous (I hope I got his spelling correct)

The plot was to be more complicated, showing Aphrodite has a grey villain with natural flaws. It was also supposed to show a very comical villan named Zeus.

But due to weak commitment and a lack of inspiration, I stopped writing the plot.

But Queen_of_life_Heba (hey 1st October is her bday so wish her. She is my little momma) had asked me if I would never write this story again.

So yeah, I thought, I want to write another story for The Ambys and tada! Here we have a more simplified tale where there's only one couple, Eros and Psyche(without the reincarnation theme), a villain Aphrodite (sorry, I cannot make her a grey character due to the word count limit not allowing me to expand the story) and a more true to the real version story. I have skipped certain parts from the tale though due to again, the word count. Fortunately I have wrapped up the tale in 6000-7000 words.

I hope you all will enjoy this retelling. I shall begin editing this too when I feel like

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