iii | eros

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"WHERE WERE YOU all day?"

Eros played with the newly bloomed flowers of his mother's garden, enriching her palace's charm.

"I had been flying."

"Do you not have any other job?"

Eros narrowed his pale blue eyes, the golden ringlets bouncing with the breeze.
"Love has no job in Olympus."

Aphrodite took a step back, her widened eyes soon regaining the earlier composure. "I think I have one for you." She softened her tone.

"Another victim of your envy?" he scoffed at her. Aphrodite's skin hardened at his response.

"She is running after your mother's last position left on Olympus. Some even say she is a fruit of my lust."

Eros froze. The waves of torment and rage in his blue eyes akin Poseidon's oceans made Aphrodite shiver. Love could become this wrathful.

"It is the only thing that I have- this seat of a Goddess. If someone takes that too. .
O Eros, I will be doomed!"

A tear trickled down Aphrodite's eyes as she sat on the ground, sobbing at the feet of her son.

His fingers quivered in anger.

"They wish to make you homeless?"

Aphrodite looked up, searching for assurance in his eyes. "Yes."

"What then must I do?"

"Make that woman fall in love with the ugliest creature on earth, so that her pride and greed get a taste of my vengeance."

For the first time, Eros felt happy on sensing Aphrodite's jealousy.

"Tell me her name."

Aphrodite walked to the pillar adorned with creepers and climbers, brushing her tears against the wet leaves. Her eyes twinkled in rejoice and her lips sneered in victory.

"Psyche, the daughter of Cy."

Eros and PsycheWhere stories live. Discover now