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A VICTORIOUS SMIRK curved up her lips.

"Had told you."

His eyes glowed red like garnet.

"Dear me, my son, are you still not disillusioned?"

"Maybe she never trusted me. But she isn't a bad soul. Her spirit is pure and untainted."

With a pause, he added,

Aphrodite scoffed, playing with her tresses.

"Come in, I shall see to it that your scars heal. Though you may never get back your wings again."

Eros didn't move an inch.

"Won't you come in? Would you like to go back to that palace where her memories live?"

Like a puppet, he flopped on the bed, sobbing incessantly.


Like a maddened woman she roved in search of her Eros.

She knew not where he had gone away.

She knew not how to make people believe whom she belonged to. Whom she had married.

Would they ever believe her words? Would they ever believe that she was given to the God of Love himself?

Maybe it was now time for the world to mistrust her. Maybe it was her time for punishment.

But she vowed to find him. She would leave her trail of redemption, convince him that she loved him.

She would love to mend what she broke. She would rebuild with her own hands, her own sweat and passion.

She would do it for someone whom she loved.

"Like all men trust God blindly, even without seeing him, it's my time to love him. Love him irrespective of everything."

She had seen the light of his numen, and in the glory of his divinity her own selfless love and latent potential started to expand like the Cosmos.

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