Chapter Eight- Fighting the Demons

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Chapter Eight-

Growling lowly, he turned and was faced with an all too familiar figure, his eyes widening as he stared in shock at the familiar checkered hoodie and hazel eyed male he knew all too well.

It was Mitch.


Everything was dark, that he knew. 

Letting out a pained groan he sat up from where he laid, his head pounding as he looked around the room he was in, noticing that he was on some kind of bed. With another look around the room he stood from the bed in confusion, moving towards what appeared to be a door as he grasped the knob and jiggled it, surprisingly noticing how it seemed to open on its own. Peeking out he examined the hallway that he seemed to find behind the door, his eyes searching around for a moment for anyone nearby before he slipped out of the door and into the hallway. His hand lingering on the wall for support as he stumbled his way down searching for some kind of other door close by, only to find none as he continued to walk, and walk until his legs gave out from under him. 

"There's nothing here." He sighed, leaning his head back against the wall as he closed his eyes wincing at the continuous pounding he was feeling in his head. 

"Maybe this isn't real." Ty continued on, speaking softly to himself as he blinked his eyes open with determination, shifting from where he sat before standing up and slowly walking down the corridor.

"Maybe you're right Ty." A voice murmured, sending a shiver down his spine as he looked around in either direction, wondering where it could have come from.

"So you finally deciding to show yourself again?"  Ty growled out, a scowl making its way onto his face as he shook his head and looked down at the floor.

"Why are you out of your room?" The voice asked, a sort of assertive tone to it as Ty kept his gaze lowered for a moment, his hand twitching by his side as he felt a sort of presence making itself known near him.

"The door was unlocked." He shrugged his shoulders, curious to why he wasn't treated roughly like before as he finally looked up onto to notice the shadow of a figure in front of him, a pair of pale eyes staring down at him from behind tinted glasses.

"Hmm."  The figure, him, studied him closely for a moment before a smirk settled on his face as he reached out a hand towards Ty, grasping the front of the plain gray shirt he adorned and slamming him against the stone wall of the hallway roughly. 

"You shouldn't be out here." He murmured, making Ty swallow thickly before sliding his hand up to his chest and push him away, feeling the sudden lack of air in such a close up environment.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have brought me back." Ty scoffed, feeling the chilling memories of what had happened the last time he'd been here, the last time he'd been induced and tested on, in terrible shape.


It was like his whole body was on fire.

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