Chapter Nine-Breaking Past These Walls

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Note: For some reason this chapter was set on private and I'm not entirely sure why? I'm hoping me re-uploading this should work but if it doesn't then I'm not sure what else to do.

Chapter Nine

"That you'll have to learn eventually." He mused to Ty, a look of determination masking his features.

It had been a few hours later, the time seeming to pass along and fly by nowadays. There hadn't been much happening, the past few days passing by unusually peaceful and filled with silent moments alone in the medium spaced room he was locked in. The walls and book filled shelves the only thing keeping him company as he spent most of his time sitting at the edge of the plain bed, staring off at the pale white walls that seemed to look back at him all the same. Although it wasn't all too surprising that the silent filled days were a build up to something bigger to come in the close future.

It wasn't too surprising to find himself pulled out of the pale colored walls of the room and into the corridor, stumbling after the male figure dressed in a semi formal attire of a black shirt and black jeans in a clumsy fashion. They walked for what seemed like hours before the figure had tugged Deadlox to the right and forced him into a room, nothing within sight as he was shoved forward and then left behind in the room with the click of the metal door shutting behind him. With a lift of his head he came to the realization that the room was filled with emptiness, and absolute silence. Not a thing was found within the room but him and the white chipped walls that seemed to enclose him now, that seemed to bare down onto him like he was the one carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. But he wasn't. No, he was an ordinary guy who had been on the run for ages, not knowing what every sudden turn would bring him or if he'd make another day or not. It was the art of surviving, thriving on the determination to make it another day without being caught, another day of not fearing of the time when he'll be sent back to his imprisonment.

No, he didn't fear much of anything. What was the point? There's nothing for him to fear of but fear itself. Who was he to decide what to be afraid of, who was he to decide if it was time to give up and loose the hope and faith of getting out of this prison. He wouldn't back down from whatever challenges or obstacles he needed to face in order to protect and save his friends. If it came to his last choice he'd rather sacrifice himself than let them be stuck here for who knows how long, maybe until their lives just slipped away, leaving behind a shadow of who they once were. But Ty couldn't let things get this way, he had to keep trying, he needed to keep surviving.

It seemed a while before anything really happened, the walls staring at him, mocking him as he stood in the center of the room and stared back. Blinking at those pale walls as if daring them to try and unearth him, as if telling them to go ahead and get him, break him. It wouldn't have been the first of many that they have, that they've been able to see past the facade he held up daily, the walls that could easily crumble as they could stand tall. Everything was up to his final decisions, his final moments that decided what would happen, that decided what the fate would be.

A slow and steady thrum could be heard somewhere in the room, possibly a corner before it began to grow in volume, echoing louder and louder around his frame as his eyes flickered warily around for the source. His eyes finally pinpointing on a certain spot before he walked towards it, his fingers thrumming with a sudden power he hadn't took a part of in a very long time. Like an old friend showering him with welcome, he could feel the static charge that ran through his veins, moving upwards throughout his body before returning back down it's journey towards his fingertips where small sparks were coming from. Raising a hand he lifted it towards the wall, a small smirk making itself known on his face as he tilted his chin up defiantly, with unknown confidence he hadn't known was capable within as he flicked his hand once, a bolt of lightning and electricity flowing with ease from his fingertips and hitting the wall right on the dot. It brightened the room up for a moment before dying down to the normal dimmed lighting of the room, his hand dropping to his side for a moment as he inhaled once before turning towards the door, his eyes flickering over it knowing he could try and run again, try and escape now while he had the chance.

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