Chapter Three- Explanations & Strange Occurrences

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Chapter 3-

Sitting up he let out a choked noise, staring around panicking.


           A gentle hand made him jump as a concerned looking bacca stared at him.


“You’re okay biggums. Everything’s alright.” He cooed, as Mitch looked up at him taking a shaky breath.


“W-What happened?” Mitch mumbled, glancing at his furry friend.


“I came back from hunting and Ty was freaking out saying how you wouldn’t wake up.” Jerome explained as he turned his head to look at Ty who was staring at the ground blankly.


“Oh...” Mitch blinked, before running a hand through his hair and tugging on it slightly trying to calm himself down.


“I tried to ask what happen....but he hasn’t spoken at all.” Jerome mumbled, looking at Ty before back at the brunette.


“I don’t really have a clue myself.” Mitch muttered more to himself than Jerome as he moved to get off the bed, his chest having a dull ache in it.


“Whoa there biggums, I think you should lay down, keep off your feet.” Jerome stated, gently pushing him back onto the bed.


“But-” Mitch tried to protest only to stop himself as he noticed the slight tear stains on his cheeks.


Sighing he laid back rubbing at his chest before glancing at Ty who was watching him with a knowing look. Staring at him Mitch blinked before quickly looking away and staring at the sheets covering his lower half. While he was busy staring down at the sheets Jerome walked out into the other room to organize the chests in there leaving just Ty and Mitch in the room. Nobody spoke, neither one sure what they want to say until Ty finally spoke up.


“You talked to him.” Ty stated, staring at Mitch with a tired look.


“Talked to who?” Mitch questioned, slightly confused.


“Lift up your shirt.” Was all Ty said as Mitch raised an eyebrow before glancing down at his clothed chest.


“Why?” Mitch replied, not sure what Ty was on to.


“Just do it.” Ty ordered getting off the bed and walking over.


Hesitantly Mitch did as Ty said and lifted his shirt up, ending up just taking it off and gasping slightly at his chest. Written in cursive black print read ‘#9045’  across his upper chest making him stare at the print in shock.


“H-How?” Mitch wondered, scrunching his eyebrows in confusion.


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