Chapter Ten Pt 1- The Fraud

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This chapter starts in Mitch's POV where we last left off on his perspective, if you need to refresh your memory where it starts, go back a few chapters and it'll help remind you where we left off for him.

Chapter Ten

They'd realized they had escaped from their cells.


"J-Jerome?" Mitch gasped, staggering backwards as he'd only could stare up at the person he knew for so long, suddenly turned into some kind of beast.

"Are you sure it's really him Mitchell?" The voice cackled from somewhere close by yet invisible to him.

"What did you do to him!" Mitch yelled at the disembodied voice, his eyes searching quickly for the source before he quickly dodged the blade of the ax that had swung at him.

Stumbling backwards he fell onto his back, staring with wide eyes up at Jerome who stared back with those gleaming red orbs that seemed to hold the mind for one thing, and one thing only. Bloodshed. With a hitch of his breath, he sat up and scooted backwards quickly, dodging another swing of the ax before he was forced to roll away where the ax struck the ground he'd once been. Staring on at the ax blade that seemed to have sunk into the earth where he'd been, he couldn't help but look up at this clone of Jerome, the clone staring at him with a deadly glint in its eyes.

"Jerome-please you have to realize it's me." Mitch tried reasoning with the beast, earning a low-warning growl in return before he hissed at the feeling of the cool metal blade nicking his leg, sending blood splashing to the surface of the somewhat deep cut that laid in its wake.

It's no use. He thought to himself scrambling backwards again, noticing the way the beast swung its ax with a slower time, not quite fast enough to completely hit him unless he was off guard like a few seconds ago. It's all a test, like he said. He frowned, getting back onto his feet before watching the beast move closer, the raise of an ax looming over him as he ran off into the trees that surrounded them, knowing it was familiar to a jungle they'd lived in together, him and Jerome.

With a turn to the right, he headed in the direction of their tree house first thinking maybe there'd be a possibility of getting away from him there. Dodging past the trees, he felt his skin prickle with the sense of danger nearby, a shiver running through him as he heard the heavy footsteps behind him noticing the slight looming shadow that followed him as he ran. Hearing the slight ting of a blade, he dodged to the right heart racing against his chest as he heard the distinct sound of the ax making contact with the jungle floor. Forcing him to scramble away and continue running in the direction of the tree house, seeing it looming ahead in the close distance as he leaped for the ladder to climb up to it. Upon grasping the ladder and climbing up quickly, he felt his foot being grasped and yanked down, sending a thrill of panic throughout him as he struggled against the iron grip, tightening his hold on the bars the best he could.

"Let go!" Mitch finally shouted out in exasperation, struggling harder before feeling his ankle becoming free with a loud pop, a wave of pain washing over him as he cried out before quickly climbing the rest of the ladder and moving towards the door, yanking it open quickly.

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