Chapter Six- Challenges

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Chapter 6-

He knew this wasn't going to end well.

Everything was different. Everywhere he looked it was just a blank and white, nothing any where nearby from where he could see. It was a bit strange and frightening, a little confusing as to where he was exactly. Mitch had know idead where he could be, only remembering something grabbing his head and then poof, here he was. With light steps he began to walk in whatever direction, he thinks north but he was most likely wrong. There was an eerie silence, a silence Mitch didn't like one bit. He was so confused about what had been happening these last couple days, irking him. After a while Mitch sat down, letting out a stressed sigh as he ran a hand through his hair, tugging a little. This is too much to handle. Mitch thought, biting his lip before turning his head to the left to see if anyone-anything was any where near him.


He furrowed his eyebrows at the sound, perking up like a dog would at the sudden catch of his attention. Standing up quickly he heard the hissing noise continue, this time sounding closer than before. Keeping an eye out for anything unusual he looked around a bit frantic, desperate to find the home of such noise.


Mitch's eyes widened, familiar to that voice. It sent chills down his spine as he clenched his fists.

"Who's there?" He called out to whoever, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"I think you know Mitchell."  The voice chuckled darkly, making his shudder.

"Why hide? Show yourself!" Mitch demanded, looking in one direction for a moment thinking the voice was coming from there.

 He could feel the small threads of fear creep up his spine as he shivered before straightening his stance, not usually one to show his fear for the most part anyways. Mitch glanced at the direction a moment longer before turning his head to the right, only to be faced with a man a couple inches away from his face. With a squeak of surprise Mitch moved back slightly startled as the man with the black shades watched him with an amused smirk.

"Alright there?" The male chuckled, not once loosing the smirk on his face as Mitch scowled at him.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" Mitch questioned impatiently, crossing his arms against his chest wanting answers.

"Well-I would tell you my name but seeing how impatient and rude you are I wont." Shades replied casually, making him glower at him with annoyance.

"Where even am I in the first place." Mitch mumbled, staring at him cautiously before looking around at his white surroundings.

"You're in a certain area in my base you could say; it's basically where I get a better look at my recruits powers and see how far they can go." Mitch furrowed his eyebrows at the statement before shaking his head.

"Look...I'm not joining whatever it is you're trying to recruit me for. It's just not how I work-" Mitch was cut off by a sudden scream of agony as an immense pain surfaced over his entire body making him crumple to the ground.

"Listen here, and listen good. You will join my army and you will listen and obey what I tell you or else I will force you too the hard way." The male gritted out, his pale eyes flashing behind his tinted glass at his sudden outburst of rage.

"N-No! I'll never join you're stupid a-army." Mitch forced out as he writhed around trying to focus on blocking the pain away.

The pale-eyed male glared at Mitch with fury, reaching out and grabbing him by his collar, lifting him off the ground.

"Listen here, like I've stated before you will do what I've told you or there will be consequences." Mitch let out a choked noise, feeling the collar of his shirt press tightly against his throat restricting most of his air supply.

Shaking his head stubbornly, the dangling male squirmed around in his grip, trying to break away from him urgently, the need for air become more desperate by the minute. Watching the smaller male struggle made the dark lensed male's eyes flicker with interest as he finally tossed him aside and watched as he coughed violently, laying their gasping big gulps of air. With a dark chuckle he flicked away some of the hair that had fallen into his path of seeing before studying him.

"You're a fighter, but you're weak." He mused quietly, more to himself as he thought carefully for a moment.

"I'm--not weak." Mitch breathed out, shakily getting to his feet to stand his ground against this strange person.

The male raised an eyebrow questioningly before raising a hand and tugging him towards himself, studying him over. 

"I can see now why that furry beast was so protective of you." Shades drawled out casually, a bored expression playing over his face.

"What? You havent touched Jerome have you because I swear I'll kill you!" Mitch growled out, clenching his hands into fists.

"No, I havent hurt your precious friend yet I still need to examine him you could say. But as of now I've taken interest in you for the moment so I think I'll stay and play around for a bit." He shrugged at Mitch before slowly disappearing right in front of his very eyes.

Mitch glared at the spot where the strange male with the shades once stood before looking around and running a hand through his hair angrily.

"Just let me go!" Mitch shouted out at no one, his words echoing in his own ears as he looked around before replaying what he had said.

So I think I stay and play around for a bit. For some reason this made Mitch feel uneasy as he glanced around cautiously, a bit more worried about what could possibly happen. A gut clenching feeling made him tense up, something around him was shifting, moving around as if changing itself into something different. Closing his eyes he felt lightheaded suddenly before feeling himself fall for a moment then land onto a hard surface with a plop making him groan.

"Let's play a game." His voice rang through his ears send goosebumps all over as he managed to stand up in what appeared to be a jungle.

The sound of an arrow zooming past his face caught his attention as he whipped his head around to look in the direction it came from. Moving into a fighting stance he remembered his training times with Jerome as he clenched his hands into fists, a determinded look on his face. Another arrow shot out, zooming this time towards his leg as he leaped backwards watching the arrow lodge itself into the ground. Narrowing his eyes, Mitch felt the adrenaline kicking in, coursing through his body as he braced himself for something more, something bigger.

"That the best you got?" Mitch called out, smirking slightly as if to test the man. 

"Oh you have no idea." The male with the shades murmured from afar, raising his hand and blowing out a grey mist.

From a few feet away, a dark shadowy figure began to emerse, taking shape as it finally became a firm figure of a bacca. At the sight, Mitch stared at it with a mixture of horror and understanding. 

"J-Jerome?" Mitch stuttered out, the bacca with blazing red eyes only replying with a low growl, similar to a fighting challenge.

This was like a nightmare come true....and Mitch was living it.

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