Chapter Two- Who Are you?

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Chapter 2-


“He’s been out for a while...”

A voice startled him, making him shift around and try to block the sound out with a quiet groan. His whole body aching in protest as he curled up more trying to fall back asleep.


“He’s waking up, hush.” A voice scolded, sounding closer.


“But Mitch...” A gruff voice whined in protest but was quickly cut off.




Warm hands gently shook him making him groan again in protest, moving his hands to swat whoever it was away. Someone chuckled, the shaking not stopping as he let out an annoyed sigh before slowly blinking his eyes open despite his wishes.


“Good morning-sorry-Good afternoon sleepy head.” Ty turned his head, noting that it was Mitch who has awoken him from his peaceful sleep.


“Wjhsdf.” Ty mumbled, moving to sit up only to make a pained face as the aching returned.


“Careful, you’re gonna be sore for a while.” Mitch chuckled, placing a hand on his back before turning to look at Jerome.


“Jerome and I were going to patrol around to make sure nothing bad is lurking.” He explained, armoring himself up and grabbing a diamond sword.


“Oh..okay.” Ty smiled slightly before glancing around and noticing the apple on the side.


“We’ll be back as soon as we can.” Mitch replied, heading out the door after Jerome and heading down the rope ladder to the ground below.


Once they were officially gone, Ty got up with a grunt and headed to a chest pulling out an apple and munching on it thinking to himself about them. Sighing quietly he finished the apple and sat on the bed wincing slightly before gazing around the room examining everything and taking it in. With a sigh he laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling letting the thoughts cloud over his mind.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *


“Mitch, I’ve got a bad feeling...” Jerome worried, gazing around the trees and studying the shadows closely.


The duo had been patrolling around the perimeter for an hour or so, coming up with the jungle being eerily quiet which was unusual to them. Something was lurking nearby them, watching them closely, but from a safe distance not wanting to reveal itself. But when Jerome told Mitch all this he had calmly replied telling him nothing was out there and that they were fine, nothing spooky was gonna pop out and eat them. But still, even with his words, it left Jerome to be uneasy making sure to look around him and stay alert.

“There’s nothing here biggums, calm down.” Mitch chuckled, his hand gripping the sword handle tighter not so sure of himself.


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