The address

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"Since I'll be pretty busy grading everyone's test papers and creating a lesson plan for tomorrow, we'll go ahead and have the turtoring session at my house. If you don't mind?" Mr. Xavier questioned me after everyone had left to their next class.

"Okay. Sure. Where exactly is that located?" I asked, trying to make my voice as normal as I could without letting him know how exciting I was getting, knowing that I would be seeing him outside of school. Especially at his house!!

"Here is my address. You can come around 5 or 6." He said while ripping a piece of paper out of his notebook after writing the address on it.

"Okay great! See you then." I said walking as quickly as I could out of the classroom.

I seriously can't believe I'm going to his house!! I literally don't know what to think. I know I feel excited, nervous and to be honest a little turned on. Reason would be because my mind was in overdrive thinking about the airport and how steamy it got. I could never forget the way he touched me. I wonder if we can do a little more of that today.

I know I had a shower thing with Sebastian but it wasn't as spontaneous and exciting as what happened between Mr. Xavier and I that day. Besides Sebastian hasn't really been around. The only time I really got to see him was when we carpool with Chase and Asher in the morning and after school. Other than that only at dinner. He is either out or locked up in his room.

I hope it has nothing to do with our talk. He said everything was okay and we would just forget about it. I'll have to rectify the situation before I leave for tutoring. If that is what we are going to be doing at his house. I hope its more than just that. I've been having those dreams of Mr. Xavier all week, it is definitely not healthy, at all. Maybe if something happens between us again, the dreams will go away. Don't get me wrong, I love having those dreams but the real thing was waaaaay better.

I jump out of the shower, put on my jean shorts and a plain white v-neck shirt. Deciding to let my hair air dry, I throw my backpack over my shoulder and walk towards Sebastians room.

Knock knock

I push open his door and find him laying down on his bed. His eyes were closed and he was unaware of my presence in his room since he had earphones on. I walk over and sit on his bed. Noticing the shift in his bed, he opens his eyes. Before speaking he slowly checks me out. I can't lie.. Sebastian does have serious bedroom eyes! The kind that could hypnotize you into doing anything he wants, in the bedroom of course..

"Hey Stranger!" I exclaimed.

"Well hello to you too." He chuckles. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Oh you know, just stopping by. You've been kind of m.i.a. so yeahh.. and I kind of need a ride." I answer truthfully.

"Sorry. Just been busy." He gets up reaching for his keys on his dresser. "Where to?"

"Tutoring." I reply. Giving him the piece of paper Mr. Xavier gave me earlier.

Taking a look at it, he hands it back to me and heads out the door. I follow him out the door, down the stairs and into the car. I send a quick text to my mom letting her know that Sebastian is taking me to tutoring. Putting my phone in my bag I turn to Sebastian.

"So are we good? Because it feels like you've been avoiding me. I mean the last time you've actually spoken to me was at my locker when you were all, 'You do know I'm going to get you back for this morning right?' I turn my body as much as I can pulling the seatbelt a little further from my body so I can turn better in the chair to get a better look at his face.

"Sorry.. I've just been busy with football practice and homework. If I don't keep up my grades I can't play. We have a big game coming up and coach said scouts will be coming to see us play. Plus I'm the Captain, the team is counting on me. So I'm kind of stressing about that. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you." He genuinely smiled and then all too suddenly it turned into his infamous smirk before saying, "It's nice to know you miss me tho."

It's the first time I actually saw this side of him and I nudge him in the arm. " Not even in your dreams Bassy!" I joked sticking my tongue out at him.

He reaches over and tickles my sides. "Stop calling me Bassy! It's bad enough having my mom call me that."

"But Bassy is a good name for you. It suits you perfectly, Bassy poo!" I say between giggling. "Now stop tickling me and watch the road!"

He pulls his hand away and places it on the steering wheel. I can't help the grin that is plastered on my face. I didn't realize how much I missed spending time with Sebastian until now. We finally pull up to the house.

"Let me know if or when you need a ride home, ok?" Sebastian said as I reached for the door.

"I will. Thanks!" I replied.

New place, new life, new ME (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now