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"You are a cinema, a hollywood treasure" I rolled over and turned my alarm off. Oh goodie another day of school! Notice the sarcasm? Bright side it's a friday. I have no idea why mom decided that I should start at a new school yesterday. I mean who starts school on a thursday? Might as well skip the two days and wait till Monday, but noooo. Ughh okay time to get up and get ready for school. Showertiiiiiime!!! You know that moment when you got a song stuck in your head and the only way to get it out is to either listen to it or sing it? Well since I couldn't listen to it I just had to sing it..

"Hey baby even though I hate ya

I wanna love ya

I want you oo ooo!

And even though I can't forgive you

I really want ta

I want you oo ooo!

Tell me, tell me baby

why can't you leave me?

Cause even though I shouldn't want it

I gotta have it

I want you oo ooo !

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got"

Right when I was going to really get into the song I hear someone sing..

"One less problem without ya!

I got one less problem without ya!

I got one less problem without ya!"

My eyes go wide like they are about to pop out of my skull. "Ahhhhh!!!" I stick my head out of the shower and see, yhup you guessed it.. Sebastian. What made my eyes go wider is the fact that he is shirtless and only wearing his boxers. Oh crap! I'm trying to look away but it's like my eyes are glued to his amazing abs. I have the urge to kiss all over his six pack, I'm starting to scare myself. I look up and see him smirking his signature smirk. How can this boy set my body on fire with just a look.

"Like what you see?" he asks all cocky. "Nah I've seen better" sticking my head back in the shower and  continuing to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. "Mind if I join you?" he calls out while brushing his teeth. Deciding to mess with him I reply, "I'd love you too actually, maybe you could scrub my back for me" With my eyes closed I reach out trying to find the loofah when all of a sudden I feel someone scrubbing my back. My eyes immediately fly open and I whip around expecting to see the girl from the grudge. Yeah I know I'm a weirdo and automatically assume it's something creepy but in my defense I watch way too many scary movies that I tend to freak myself out sometimes. Besides if you've seen the grudge there is a part in the movie when the main character was in the shower and the grudge girl grabs her hair. If you haven't seen the movie then now you know why that thought popped into my head. 

After getting over the fact that it wasn't the girl from the grudge. I realize that I'm completely naked facing a naked Sebastion, which is just as scary. What a surprise he is wearing a big fat smirk on his face. I swear he has that permanently tattooed on his face. I can't help but take his whole body in even his.. I bite my lip while I stare right at his, you know. It's as if IT can feel my gaze and instantly stiffens. I let out a gasp, which only makes him chuckle. "Do you see something you want?" he says while his eyes take in every inch of my body making me squirm yet sends my body into a frenzy. I quickly turn around "Nope not at all. Like I said, I've seen better" clearly lying. He just chuckles.

Completely forgetting the fact that he just waltz in here while I was taking a shower I turn around prepared to tell him to get out and never to do it again. Not prepared for the sight I see, I don't know if I should be grossed out or excited. He's masturbating.. Clearly shocked and speechless I just stare at him stroking himself. I look at his face and his eyes are closed so he doesn't know I'm watching him. I have the urge to replace his hand with mine and before I know what I'm doing I'm stepping closer to him and reaching out to do just that. His eyes open in realization, probably forgetting that I was in the shower with him he looks down at my hand that is stroking him up and down, he lets out a manly moan which turned me on even more than the fact that this naked sex god was masturbating to me of all people. And that I'm helping him. 

"Fuuuck..Yes..Mmm..That feels so damn good" He says all breathless. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me toward him so our chests are now pushed against each other. Just the feeling of it makes my nipples instantly harden which he notices and tilts his head down to suck and nibble. With one hand still around my waist his other is now kneading my breast. I gasp and let out a moan. I continue to stroke him faster this time..sending him over the edge. "Oh crap! I'm gonna cum" I keep the rhythm and soon enough I feel the hot liquid squirt all over my hand. I look up and see him put his head against the wall, his eyes open and when he looks at me, the look in his eyes is full of lust and passion with a hint of something I can't recognize. 

We finish rinsing off and I quickly exit the tub and start drying myself when I hear the water turn off I get nervous and run out of the bathroom before we end up having to face each other. When I'm safely in the room I start to think about the situation. How? Why? What the hell just happened? I showered with Sebastian. He masturbated while I was in the shower. The part I questioned the most was, why did I help him? I should've been grossed out and kicked him out of the shower. But instead I helped him.. What is wrong with me? I try to focus and quickly get ready for school. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys! Here is another update. Hope you like it. I know it's super short but it's already midnight and i have to work at 5am. Hopefully I'll be putting another chappie out before this week is over!! Goodnight =)

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