Arrival day

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As I stare out the window looking at all the scenery I start to feel homesick. I miss my friends and family already :( I'm going to be bored out of my mind. I change the song on my Ipod to Take A Number by Baiyu and go back to playing a game called Tunnel Town. Yeah I got bored one day and decided to download it and I hate to say it but I got addicted. Who knew breeding bunnies and building tunnels could be addicting. 

I look out the window and see us entering a gate. Apparently it's a gated community kind of thing. Every house we pass is beautiful and just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Greaaaaat I'm going to be surrounded by snobby rich people. I don't know why mom had to take this job. We were doing just fine. I was doing just fine. I was happy. I made CAPTAIN!! I had dance club. Friends. Popularity. Before I could continue my little rant in my head we pulled up to the house. They had a fountain in the driveway surrounded by grass making us drive in a circle. "We're here Ladies!" said the taxi driver. Mom and I got out of the car and headed to the back of the car to get our luggages out. 

"Whoa!" I breathed out. I looked up at the house, which looked more like a damn hotel!! It was an off white house. It had black double doors, four big white columns on the sides, beautiful glass windows and black shutters. It was a beautiful three-story house. "I wonder if the guest house would be as nice." Mom said. I scoffed, "Naaah, they'll probably just put us in a garden shed or something." I joked. I turned to face her and she had a disaproving face. "I was kidding mom geez! Take a chill pill old lady." I said while hugging her. "Your suffocating me!" She laughed. 

We walked up the front steps. Mom rang the doorbell. DING DONG DING DONG. A man wearing a suit and tie opened the door. I'm guessing he's their butler. Rich people have butlers right? "Why hello there. Come on in Mr. and Mrs. Everhart are expecting you." We stepped in with a quick thank you. OH MY GOSH!!! I thought the outside looked nice but the inside was even more breathtaking. The walls were white with a floral red design on the parts of the wall. The floor tiles were black and white squares. The stairs that lead to two different stairways. One leading to the left and one leading to the right. If you've seen clueless you'd know what i mean.  

A woman who looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties walks into the room with a huge smile on her face. She was actually an attractive looking women. It helped that she was wearing a silky red dressy blouse, black high waisted skirt and red high heels to match her shirt. "Hi guys! Glad to see you made it okay. I could've had our driver pick you up from the airport. Some of your stuff arrived today. I had it put in one of the rooms. Unfortunately the guest house won't be ready for a couple more days." "Oh thats fine. So when did you want me to start working? I have most of my stuff already ready to go." My mom spoke. I turned to the lady while she told my mom how she originally wanted her to take a few days to settle in but needed her help with some event shes hosting. "You can head upstairs and find your things in the room and settle in. If you'd like to freshen up the shower is right across the bedroom. I'm going to borrow your mom for a few hours, I sure hope you don't mind." She said with a smile. I laughed, "Go for it! I could use a break. She's been talking my ear off the whole way here" "Hey! You love my voice!" she chucked while Mrs. Courtney laughed.

I made my way into the bedroom she said was at the end of the hall. I rummaged through my Nike duffel bag and pulled out clothes to change into, grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. I swung the bathroom door open and was not prepared to see what was behind the door. Coming out of the shower was a sex god!! My mouth dropped, literally. Standing before me was a soaking wet sex god of a man. I raked my eyes all over his wet arm muscles, his broad shoulders, his chest, his toned six pack, his...haha jk he had a towel covering his.. package. 

"Like what you see?" He said. His voice snapping me out of my fantasizing, making me snap my mouth shut and replying with "Eww no" "Are you sure?" He spoke as he came closer to me, forcing me to walk backwards until I backed into the wall, making it impossible for me to escape. "Because from where I'm standing, it looked like you were enjoying the view. If you want I can teach you a thing or two." "Uhmm.. wait. what? Wha- what do you mean by teaching me?" I stuttered. Damn it. He replied "Well I'm sensing your not exactly experienced. But then again.." His eyes raking my body made my knees feel weak. "With that dress on.. Mmmm" OH MY GOD!! He just bit his lip. It was FUCKING SEXY!! Is it hot in here? Or is it just me? Don't freak out. Two can play this game. I stepped closer to him, if thats even possible and I stand on my toes so I can whisper in his ear. "Why don't you help me out of this dress and see how experienced I really am...Big Boy" Looking down at the towel covering his package. His eyes widened and I could practically feel his exitement pressing against me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting a little excited knowing this sex god of a man could be turned on by lil ol me. He was about to come closer but i pushed him out the door and yelled, "SUCKER!!" slamming the door shut. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay. I know i took like forever and a day to finally post another chapter. I promise it won't always be like this. I've just been busy with work. The book is just getting started and is about to heat up! I'm gonna try to post a chapter every few days or once a week. Bare with me. I'm still new so please read, comment, vote or message me =) Thanks! 

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