Chapter 23: The Beginning of the End

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I see my father fall, he had tried to cover my mother, but she falls too, back into nothingness. I hear two cannons. I look for the killer, and find the peacekeeper. Without hesitation, I lift up my arm, ready to fire, but he holds something, no, someone. Samantha, small and struggling, with a gun pressed to her temple. Time stands still, the only movement is the icy flakes swirling lightly down from the dark grey clouds.

"Make any move, and she joins your parents" the man says, but it is not his voice. It is President Snow's: as bitter and cold as the ice all around. He begins to laugh, his laughter like that of shattering glass, and then they are gone. I am buried by snow and echoing laughter.

I sit up quickly in my bed, and hit my head on the ceiling. I breathe hard in a cold sweat. I shake my head trying to push the dream from my mind. I've had it almost every night now. But I can't dwell on it, or else my thoughts go to dark places.

Just keep pushing on, I tell myself.

Every day is another day closer to Samantha...

Or she might not even still be alive, the other part of my mind interjects.

Stop it! My eyes begin to water at the thought. I allow my self one tear, I count to three, and I get dressed. Just keep pushing on.

As the time draws nearer, I find myself becoming more and more anxious. The nightmares are getting worse, and last longer than they should.

Printed on my arm is the usual schedule. Breakfast, then Education, both of which seem to drag on forever. It's the kind of slow to where thirty seconds is equivalent to thirty minutes. It is the kind of slow I know only as anticipation. I find myself not paying attention and the instructor has to call my name twice before I look up startled.

"Raze, you have been selected for the Soldier's Examination. It's in room A435." He says not a word more as he turns away, his grey suit bubbling.

I silently get up and try not to disturb the others in the class, who, of course, are all staring at me. As I leave, I hear one of the soldiers mutter, "Good luck," before the door closes behind me.

The Soldier's Exam. I walk quickly as I make my way to the room. The Soldier's Exam is a four part test to see where you will be ranked in the Rebellion Army. Normal District Thirteen soldiers train months before they are selected to take the exam, so I am surprised that I qualify. I knew our training was being crunched, but I didn't know I could be eligible for it. Perhaps they count are tribute training back in the Capitol as well. But surely not even those two weeks fully count. And training to kill in the arena is much different than war. There must be another reason why I'm taking it now, and I have a fairly good idea as to what it is.

I quicken my pace until I finally reach the room. It is set up like a regular classroom, with nearly thirty people sitting on either side or standing waiting for orders. As I enter, I spot Gale standing next to an older woman who is fixing the papers on a desk. He immediately catches my eye. I make my way over to him.

My voice is whisper. "Did District Five-?" I don't finish. He winks.

"Because of the-?" Again, I don't finish, in case someone overhears. He nods, but now he's smiling.

"So that means..." My voice wavers. That means we are leaving for the Capitol, and all too soon. His smile fades.

"Hey, Freak. What the hell are you two on about?" a voice grumbles.

I turn around to find Eleanor behind me. She has her arms crossed impatiently, but she still regards me with a wary look.

Before I can answer, Gale speaks up,

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