Chapter 15: One to Remember

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    "Carver, what are you even doing here?"

    My brother laughs as we walk down the hall. Alec and Finnick lead the pack, followed by my brother and I, with Marvel groveling at our heels. The trainer had been eager to let Marvel and I leave a bit early upon seeing Carver's General's suit.

"What I told you I was doing three months ago," Carver starts, "A mission in 6, and then straight back to my baby sister." He rustles my hair and laps his arm around my shoulder. He doesn't look much different since the last time I saw him all those weeks ago, though a few bags have formed under his eyes and his hair is a bit shaggier. "You didn't think I seriously wasn't coming back to my favorite sister, did you?"

"I'm your only sister, Car," I tease. I cling to him tighter, quickening my pace to keep up with him. He had told me on the way from the gym that he and the other General, Finnick, a previous Hunger Games victor, had been called to a meeting with Coin the instant upon their arrival. He was, however, happy to stall, especially if it meant spending time with his only family. But he does seem hurried. It must be important. But for the moment, I have his attention.

"Carver, I was so scared. You weren't there at the Reaping...and when they called me-"

"I was watching," he interrupts. "The second I saw, I told Coin we were doing something about it, whether by her authority or not. I knew Snow would plan something, though I wasn't sure what. I was so worried, although I didn't think he would hurt you. He could of used you to lure me in...but Coin said to wait, that there were other tributes we needed to keep an eye on."

He must mean Katniss. She had caused quite the commotion; District 12 had never had a volunteer before. She was a bit of superstar, what with her iconic and daring fashions and her whirlwind romance with Peeta. Capitol citizens had been obsessed with her. I'm sure she must have been flooded with sponsor gifts during the Games. But she had everyone continually guessing. She was unpredictable, wild. Strong. She might even have won. It makes sense that the Rebellion fixate on her as well.

"She suggested that we try and get that District 12 girl out too," Carver confirms. "And then I suggested that we try and get as many of you out as we could. Seemed stupid to only pluck out a few of you. Beetee tried to get in to the system sooner, but we couldn't interfere with the force field until a few days in...but all that matters now is that we have you all, and you're safe, and I plan on keeping it that way."

He smiles that vibrant beam. Carver had always been a good older brother. Getting me out of the Hunger Games is on a whole new level.

"Carver, I-"

"We're here," Alec chimes. The door in front of us dawns a silver name plate. Alma Coin. President Alma Coin. "You two better get in there. She was furious when she heard."

"Carver?" I ask. "Are you in trouble?"

He chuckles a bit. "I'm gonna be just fine, Clo. The only thing I'm really in trouble for is reminding Coin of the giant stick up her ass." He presses me into a monstrous hug and kisses me on the top of my head before saying, "The second this is over I will come and find you. We have a lot to talk about."

For a second, his eyes dart behind me to Marvel, but then that stormy gaze is boring into me once more. "I'll come and find you at dinner, or in you room if it goes later. I promise."

Finnick pushes open the door and disappears within. Carver takes the hint and follows his lead. Just before he's out of sight, I hear that familiar "I love you, Clo." And with that, my brother vanishes, Alec stalking into the office behind him and sealing the doors.

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