Chapter 13: Spark

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I hate the feeling of people watching me.

That's all it's been since we'd arrived, since the second all the tributes had set foot in the cafeteria, our first public appearance, nothing but thousands of pupils boring into us like hammers.

The cotton cement of the uniform plasters to my body, sticky with sweat despite the early hour. The long, shadowed faces of the citizens of the District only add to the bleakness and overwhelming sense of melancholy that seems to loom in the air like a contagion. We sit down to breakfast, all the tributes together at one long, grey table, not daring to make eye contact with the people of 13, though they don't seem to be repaying the gesture. I prod at the soggy meal on my plate, faintly aware of the little boy across the room, staring horrifically at the kitchen knife in my hand. So far, our first day isn't going too well.

They hadn't exactly decided what do with us yet, so for the first week or so, we are just supposed to train until they figure out what they can use us for. I can't imagine they would let the tributes they fought so hard to rescue just sit idly by, though I almost wish they would. I've had enough of the limelight for a bit.

    That doesn't look like it'll be happening anytime soon though. My best guess, war with the Capitol is inevitable. And we will be the cause of it.

    As we eat in silence, Alec strides in, smoothly gliding over to our table. He greets us all with his perfect grin, like something out of one of the Capitol's films. He is strangely attractive, both in looks and in the odd aura that he gives off. I am unable to not notice him.

    "Morning gentleman." He addresses to the guys. "Ladies." He smolders, probably unintentionally. I can't stop myself from smiling a little, and he catches it, sending a friendly wink my way. I catch sight of the other girls too, all looking rather pleased by his attendance. 

    "Sorry to break up your morning chatter everyone, but I must inform Miss Raze that she has been requested for," he chimes politely.

    Athena blinks, evidently surprised. "Why do they need me?"

    Alec bats his long eyelashes, his golden hair sweeping across his forehead in the dull light. "Sorry, Miss Raze. I was just told to come get you, not the reasons behind so."

    "Oh. Okay then." She stands up, and he extends his long arm out in front of her as a guide. She follows his lead, and he turns and waves goodbye to us before disappearing out the door with her, a slight grin taped to his face.


    I push the door labeled 'Weapons Room' open uncertainly. My heart begins to hammer inside my ribcage.

    Guns cover the wall like a second layer of paint, all varying shapes and sizes. Crossbows, knives, swords, grenades-things I cannot even name- all piled high throughout the corners of the massive storeroom. Dozens of tables are scattered about, trinkets and gadgets and blueprints cloaking their surfaces.

    Before I can manage to inhale, an arrow whistles by my head, missing my skull by no more than a few inches. I hear it clang as it bounces off the concrete wall and bounces to the floor.

    "Sorry!" I see a boy rush over. "Hi. Athena, right?"

    It's Gale, the first one I saw when I awoke, the boy from the meeting. One of the Generals. He looks very much like Katniss; dark brown hair and olive skin, with grey eyes to match. He is taller than me almost by a foot, and my neck cricks slightly as I crane upward to look him in the eyes.

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